on 8/16/10 9:20 am - Graham, NC
So color subject.....anyone had any problems with Rhoids? or what seems to be the case after surgery? Man I have been in pain for days now and not sure if that is what I am experiencing or not...any thoughts????
Keep a smile on your makes people wonder what you are up to!
Don 1962
on 8/16/10 10:27 pm

You may be experiencing an anal fissure.  They don't have to be very large to hurt like a motherfu**er.  A fissure is most commonly caused by ****ting a big ol' nasty hard as a brick turd.  Try treating the area with some Tuck's or something similiar.  It will take awhile for it to heal up.  Might want to try a stool softner if you've been having "brick" issues.

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 8/17/10 5:40 am - Colonial Heights, VA
The no-fun answer is, call you surgeon and let them know.  If it is post-op recovery related, it can be addressed as part of the medical coverage from the surgery. 

I have had  an annual fissure that woulldn't go away and they went in and caturized it.

If its just rhoids, they make a variety of  over-the-counter oinments that provide relief when applied to the affected area (if you can get to it).  Make sure you are getting your water.. The water intake helps keep things flowing south of the pouch. 

Depending on how long post op you are,...I don't suppose you are suffereing from boney butt syndrome yet,..butt thats coming too. I'd get your surgeon involved,....unless he no hablas english (I didn't check your blog to see where you are on your post-op journey, surgery type or location).

Keep us posted once you get it figured out.  I'd bet youre not alone, but brave enough to ask for hep!
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 8/17/10 9:25 am - Graham, NC
Thanks Guys! Man this pain is something else alright!!!!
I'm trying the tucks things now.....doesnt really seem to be helping, guess next is prep H.
As of THE 21st I will be 4 months out, total loss so far 75 pounds....knew it was going to be a rough road but I didnt think I would have to get a proctologist involved. lol.

Keep a smile on your makes people wonder what you are up to!
John A.
on 8/18/10 3:20 am - Cambridge, Canada
I've got the same dam problem and it's killing me.
It's further complicated by the fact that I seem to have lost all of my 86 pounds off my ass.
I've lost big buckets of weight before, but always had a big ass.. well now  I've got nothing to sit on lol.

I've been taking stool softeners since surgery.. If I don't I just can't seem to pass the brick that is in there without dynamite. Couple of times I even had to resort to enimas to get it out.

I know that grunting and pushing (and a little screaming) inflames hemorhoids, so I take Senekot to keep the stool soft.. BUT.. crapping is NOT the same as before surgery.. I know that we get our innards rerouted.. but nothing should be affected in ur ass..  yet everytime I go.. it feels like the stuff has to make a right turn before exiting..

Told my wife that child birth can't be anything compared to some of the stuff I've "delievered" She just rolled her eyes..

This past weekend we packed up our youngest son and took him to college. A 6 hour drive.. I had a particularly difficult "movement" the morning we left.. By the time we got to our destination my ass was trobbing.. We had to do a bunch of shopping to outfit his dorm room and I eventually had to go sit in the car,, cause I just couldn't stand it.. I've been ramming Prep H bullets up there. and sitting on ice and that helps a bit.. but everytime I crap it seems to start all over again.

I've had hemoroids before.. mostly after doing a lot of fishing and sitting on those hard bench seats in aluminum boats.. and although it's painful it was mostly itchy.. this is just killin me and with no "natural cushion" to sit on anymore the affects are worse...
I'll just keep "pluggin" away and hopefully things will shrink back to normal

on 8/18/10 10:03 am - Graham, NC
Man John, sounds like you are really getting hit hard bud. I feel for ya! I have made an appt with a gastroenterologist for this Monday.. I just cant take this! I had to take a pillow to work to sit on and am telling everyone its because of my hip fracture from last Dec acting up.
Keep a smile on your makes people wonder what you are up to!
on 8/29/10 12:51 pm - Graham, NC
So update on this whole issue.....turns out I have a wonderful thing called a fistula that has resulted in an abcess.....FUN TIMES AHEAD!!!!!!
Keep a smile on your makes people wonder what you are up to!
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