Good Post Op Md. visit
Good visit with surgeon's PA today. Incisions good, she liked my intake spreadsheet. 
OK'ed to go in the lake when boating. I have a pontoon boat. Others must do anchor, etc.. OK'ed to start pool swimming (slowly), OKed to use recumbant bike. OK'ed to use light arm weights.
Then I went to the club and walked a mile in 25min. Hope to begin increasing that tomorrow maybe add a little time in the pool. I'm not much of a walker and need some variety.
Wants me to up my fluids to 64oz/day. I can do that!

OK'ed to go in the lake when boating. I have a pontoon boat. Others must do anchor, etc.. OK'ed to start pool swimming (slowly), OKed to use recumbant bike. OK'ed to use light arm weights.
Then I went to the club and walked a mile in 25min. Hope to begin increasing that tomorrow maybe add a little time in the pool. I'm not much of a walker and need some variety.

Wants me to up my fluids to 64oz/day. I can do that!