I AM ASKING YOU PERSONALLY, to please contribute to this cause by making a donation of any size towards my epic run, and be a part of getting America FIT!!! Donate here:
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Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:
As someone who walked to school every day, surprising I was still obese. Blame it on video games, cocoa pebbles, a lack of parental supervision.....I had to have surgery 20 years later. While your cause may be noble, I can't support it. There are multiple proven causes to obesity, simply making junior walk to school everyday isn't going to be a fix except for those that fit a metabolic profile where "slow cardio will keep you skinny".
Besides, my seven year olds school is two miles away on a county road, I wouldn't walk it, why should he?

I appreciate your opinion bro... Do you know the national average for children who meet or exceed the presidential fitness criteria country-wide is about 38%? Of the schools that participate in this 100 Mile Challenge, 98% of these kids meet or exceed that standard. Again, donating and seeing the vision of this cause is not for everyone and I appreciate you insight.
Making "Junior" walk to school is NOT what this is about. At 25 miles they get a shirt, at 50 they get a golden pencil, at 75 a bracelet, at 100 a FINISHER's medal... It gives the kids a sense of accomplishment and a sense of purpose and gives them the boost in self esteem needed to overcome peer pressures, bad choices, and shows them that hard work and commitment = VICTORY! Go to the website and watch the video of me speaking to 1400 kids at an Elementary School in So Cal... Those kids were SCREAMING with excitement about that dang medal... But to some people... it's just a cheap piece of metal with a ribbon on it. I have dozens of them, and they are ALOT more than just a piece of metal with a ribbon... It is PROOF that I committed to do something, and achieved it...
Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:
so this is a great thing to try and get a little more exercise out of them. This doesnt mean they have to school, just walk more throughout the school year.
Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: