1 week out
So last fridaywas surgery and man what a ride it has been so far. Bleeding from all the wound sites has stopped and I am sleeping through the whole night. I still take a dose of pain meds before bed because it is still kind of painful getting to sleep.
I went through the clrear liquid phas in the hospital and was able to progress to full liquids the day after I got home. I am glad SF jello and banana popsicles are liquids because for the first couple days I almost lived on those.
Today was the first day of soft foods whi*****lude scambled eggs. Damn I have never been so excited to eat an egg in my life. I took like 4 nibbles and pushe it away it was just nasty. Had a Chocolate protien drink instead. Lunch was much different wife made me 2 table spoons each of Runny Mashed potato Hummus and SF apple sauce, all of which are on my can have list. Hummus and Mash mixed together is actually pretty good stuff. I ate all of both and less than half of the applesauce before I was done.
My discharge weight was 310 and today a trip to the scale showed me at 294. This is the least I have weighed my married life. I was almost 350 when I got married.
My wife gets a kick out of the fact that now I smile when going to and getting off th scale.
And I never trust a fart.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03 First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (PR 2:24:35)
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04

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on 7/25/10 2:07 am, edited 7/25/10 2:07 am
Congrats! I'm two months ahead of you. Some days will be better than others. From my experience, this is one of the craziest but absolutely best roller coasters I've ever been on it. Remember that weight loss progress resembles stairs, some days weeks you'll lose a ton and others you won't lose anything. Nothing is broken, its just how your body adjusts.
1) Stay Positive - There will be ups and downs, concentrate on the long term goals.
2) Stick to the plan - Sometimes you can't tell whether things are working, but trust the plan.
3) Dont' by shy - If you have questions or are unsure, there is a ton of experience and knowledge on this board.
Have fun and enjoy the ride!
FYI - You may find egg whites, lightly scrambled (or poached) easier than the yolk.