Driving after surgery
You'd be pushing the envelope; hope you are having lapriscopic bypass. I had open and went back to a desk job after 4 weeks and wish I had used my benefits to take 6. It was 8 weeks before I was full tilt again. Driving after 2 weeks; reasonable possibility, but you are going to have some post op fatigue. Remember this is major surgery. They are reconstructing your digestive tract and its going to be tender and swollen inside. You may look acceptable on the outside but healing takes time. The inital liquid diet is good for reteaching you how little you need to sustain life but it is alos becuase your new plumbing is relearning how to digest food and incisions are trying to heal while you're passing stuff through there. Its important to not overdo early on or yuou could create complications that lay you up longer than if you had gone slower to start with. Juest use some precaution and hope you have the leave and/or benefits to do this right. I used leave and short-term disability/FMLA. Keep us posted as you have questions and have those WOW moments or pre-op cold feet at the last minute.
My WLS doc told me not to drive for one week after I got out of the hospital, which would make it nine days post-op. Maybe I'm a lucky case, but I mowed the lawns with a push mower six days post-op, and survived just fine.
I have not needed to take any pain meds since i walked out of the hospital. Presumably, you would refrain from driving if you were taking paid meds.
I am eights days post-op today. I have little too much discomfort when I try to sleep on my left side, but all other sleeping positions are tolerable. I dread the through of sneezing or coughing or even clearing my throat, but I'm up to 3,500 on the Voldyne (3.5 liters of air in a lungful?) right now and was only 4,000 an hour pre-op.
I was thinking that my "injuries" following surgery are not unlike those of someone who took a load of 00 buck from a shotgun at 30 yards or so. I have five little holes in my chest that are about 3/8 inche each.
I have not needed to take any pain meds since i walked out of the hospital. Presumably, you would refrain from driving if you were taking paid meds.
I am eights days post-op today. I have little too much discomfort when I try to sleep on my left side, but all other sleeping positions are tolerable. I dread the through of sneezing or coughing or even clearing my throat, but I'm up to 3,500 on the Voldyne (3.5 liters of air in a lungful?) right now and was only 4,000 an hour pre-op.
I was thinking that my "injuries" following surgery are not unlike those of someone who took a load of 00 buck from a shotgun at 30 yards or so. I have five little holes in my chest that are about 3/8 inche each.
What I tell people to do post op is try and work 2 half days at first. If you do a Monday-Friday, come in for a 4 hour shift on Thu and Fri...Rest two days, then the next Monday do a full day...See how you handle it. You'll be dropping the weight so fast it will start to drain you. You may want to take naps in the afternoon.
Remember it takes energy to get up, fix breakfast, get dressed, drive to work, walk into the office or shop. You'll try and grab for energy (deep in your soul) and it just won't be there. But each day it gets better and better. You're dropping the weight, so you can move better and be more active...which it turn causes you to lose more weight. But there is a good chance you'll feel drained!! Brian