
First bike, look what they tell me to get..

on 7/2/10 1:49 am - Deland, FL
On July 2, 2010 at 6:40 AM Pacific Time, Dave I. wrote:
I hate Dealers that do that.   Makes no sense yeah they get the quick $$$$ but more than likely they just ruined a potential rider.   They either signed the death cert. of the guy or they have just put someone in a situation where they will give up wanting to ride at all.   Recommending the zx1400 for a beginner first bike is insane. 
I've actually encountered Dealers just like that.  I've also seen the other side, the best salesmen/dealer will find out your experience level, if you have none or limited they should tell you about the closest MSF course.  And then try to get you on a bike that will promote your enjoyment of the activity.  It never ceases to amaze me that a dealer will always go for the quick $$ when they probably just lost 2 or 3 or more sales down the line as well as a customer that will be continuing to buy accessories and gear.   It really is a shortsighted strategy and its a detriment to the riding community.

Dave, Thats the way it made feel plus I dont want to spend a lot on a first bike. Everyone drops a first bike even if it just falls over going to slow around a corner or at a stop sign. I've seen guys riding big ass fat boys and drop em. sad but true.

Any recommendations I'm 6'3 and 290 right now. in a few months i'll still be 6'3 

on 7/4/10 11:44 am - Peoria, AZ
Please do me this favor. Take the MSF course before you buy anything.
I was on a 50cc Indian with training wheels when I WAS 3. I always had a dirt bike while growing up.
I was never a great rider by any means, but I could keep up with the groups I rode with.
A close friend of mine used to race motorcycles, he took the MSF to save on some insurance money, and even he was impressed by what he learned.
Next point is gear it's freaking pricey. It's the only reason I don't have my bike now. (still shopping)
I'm 6'5" 215-220 so I'm in the same boat as you size wise. 650 thumper at the min.
I'm not into cruisers or sport bikes myself.
I can't justify a fancy BMW, and I think the KLR650 is ugly  no offense to anybody the runs one.
I would love an enfield bullet, but it's only 500cc and all tho I wouldn't do much freeway driving I would do enough that it would wring it's neck.
So far I'  m looking at a Triumph scrambler. It's a 900 twin. but only 53 hp. Looks cool as hell if you like the old school thing. Very tame tune. And you could ride some fire roads with it if you wanted.

on 7/2/10 4:23 am - Brick, NJ
I had a Ninja ZX 1100 back in the day. Loved it. Great for cruising the open roads and interstate. A little to cumbersome for riding around town.

No more crotch rockets for me. My first bike was a little Yamaha 400. I love it. Great for whizzing around town and just cruising up and own the beach/boardwalk area.

1st Goal: 190 lbs. - Achieved 8/3/2010
2nd: Goal: 165 lbs. - `Achieved 11/2/2010
Dave I.
on 7/2/10 7:08 am - Hopkinsville, KY
Well it depends.  being tall isn't really a problem unless you are looking at 250cc machines.  if you stick in the 500-650cc you should find something you can fit on easily.  I'm a Suzuki guy so that's what i know.  They make a 500cc sporty bike that is a good option or a SV 650.  You should be able to find used in either one of those models for a reasonable amount of money and you'll probably make most of that back when you  decide to move up to a 600-1000 range bike.  Start looking for used bikes on craiglist and if you find something local go sit on it.  Only you will know if it fits.  I'm 5'11 or so and feel cramped on most sportbikes.  I prefer the standard seating position of the SV's and the bandits.  

on 7/8/10 4:07 am - Deland, FL
thanks guys.. I do plan on taking the class... Thats a given..  I just dont wanna have the big guy in a little coat look on this bike.. 

Dave I.
on 7/8/10 5:13 am - Hopkinsville, KY
On July 8, 2010 at 11:07 AM Pacific Time, unidos wrote:
thanks guys.. I do plan on taking the class... Thats a given..  I just dont wanna have the big guy in a little coat look on this bike.. 

Well in your situation with the weight loss its kinda like cloths at this point.  Don't judge by when you get on it now because that will probably change rather quickly.  Just be careful, and don't get a bike bigger than you can handle because of cosmetics.   Don't get me wrong you can start on a big bike and live to tell the tale.  But things happen so much faster on a 800+ cc sportbike that all the classes in the world won't prepare you.  IMO you need to find something in the 500-650 cc range but not an all out sport bike either they are tuned different.  Get at least a season of experience under your belt and then move up.    Buy used, you can sell it easily when you want to upgrade, and only when you have a firm command of what's going on would I even entertain a large sportbike.  Besides in a season or two you'll be able to fit on any damn bike you want!!!!!!!!!
on 7/8/10 5:43 am - Deland, FL
would the Buell Blast be an ok first?

Dave I.
on 7/8/10 6:09 am, edited 7/8/10 6:15 am - Hopkinsville, KY
On July 8, 2010 at 12:43 PM Pacific Time, unidos wrote: would the Buell Blast be an ok first? http://www.bestbeginnermotorcycles.com/buell-blast-review

I've only seen it 1 time.  So I'm not really experienced wth it enough to have an opinon.   A friend of mine has a Buell Ulysses (totally different bike) but he likes it and has given him no mechanical problems.   

if you think you'll ok and a quick learner this is the absolute limit I would recommend. 


Actually the SV 's are great bikes easy to ride. and you might not grow out of it.  

on 7/8/10 6:26 am - panamacity, FL
cool im hoping to get a bike myself after the rny but i need a trike because i have cerebral palsey  good luck 
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