will restuarants ever be worth it?
I'm just starting to eat normal foods again. Last night I grilled some salmon (we love to grill out) and I put a piece on my plate that was about 2" x 2" and couldn't even fini**** all. I found myself wondering. I know I'm very early out but will I ever again feel like its worth going to a restaurant? I mean when you can only eat 1/10th of a plate?
Learn to have fun with it! Like, I think it is, Dean said there are take out boxes. GF and I can go out and both eat for two days on $15.00! If the wait person is giving you the "what's wrong with the food" look when you ask for a box give him/her the "my eyes are bigger than my stomach" excuse. Works every time!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
On June 14, 2010 at 4:36 PM Pacific Time, unidos wrote:
I smoked a chicken on Sunday. After I take the meat from the bones I can baggie it into 12-14 portion sized meals. I then freeze it. All from a 4lb chicken. Before I could eat half of that bird easy.
