Mike is gone
That board is a waste of time. I can't believe that people get caught up in that ****
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
< what Scott said >
IMHO, OH should never have created that forum .. It's totally counter-productive to the mission of OH -- to aid and guide people in their WL journeys .. It's purely a "no rules" adult T.O. Corner where members have free reign to attack each other on every front conceivable .. I really think OH just created it so that the admins would not have to take adverse action against disruptive members anymore: instead, they just move their posts/threads to R & R and let them continue to slug it out there.
I have yet to see anything good or constructive come out of that morass.
IMHO, OH should never have created that forum .. It's totally counter-productive to the mission of OH -- to aid and guide people in their WL journeys .. It's purely a "no rules" adult T.O. Corner where members have free reign to attack each other on every front conceivable .. I really think OH just created it so that the admins would not have to take adverse action against disruptive members anymore: instead, they just move their posts/threads to R & R and let them continue to slug it out there.

Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "
HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )