Groin/lower ab issues
Hi guys,
Just thought I'd share a little something I learned. I try to work out daily, including running. Lately I have been getting pains in my groin, like groin pulls. I went to the doctor, he did the turn your head and cough thing. No hernia. But he did tell me that men that are/were overweight are very prone to hernia's because, think about it, where does our belly weight sit? On the pubic area and that causes the lower abs to weaken. I still feel uncomfortable down there when sitting for a long time or when driving. When we wear boxers or over loose type underwear it allows the testicles to pull down on those muscles even more. He told me to start wearing a jock strap all the time at the gym and whenever doing any other type of activity. I have been and it's really helped with keeping "the boys" nice and tight.
Just thought I'd share a little something I learned. I try to work out daily, including running. Lately I have been getting pains in my groin, like groin pulls. I went to the doctor, he did the turn your head and cough thing. No hernia. But he did tell me that men that are/were overweight are very prone to hernia's because, think about it, where does our belly weight sit? On the pubic area and that causes the lower abs to weaken. I still feel uncomfortable down there when sitting for a long time or when driving. When we wear boxers or over loose type underwear it allows the testicles to pull down on those muscles even more. He told me to start wearing a jock strap all the time at the gym and whenever doing any other type of activity. I have been and it's really helped with keeping "the boys" nice and tight.