Shin Splints From walking???
Yeh, usually it is the runners that face them. Well the past two days I must have walked 4-5 miles each day...both days hurrying along to catch up (security closing). I use to be a jogger in college and had them back then. It just seems alittle funny that I get them now. On the web they said people can get them from walking briskly so...I think I'm there. The recommend Advil...which I know is a no no. Thoughts? Brian PS I will do my streaching that I use to do in college...leaning against the wall and placeing my foot flat on the ground a few times.
What I have read in Runner's World is to sit or you can stand and pivot your foot on the heel and pull your foot and toes straight up and back toward your shins. This stretches and strengthens the muscles in the shin area. I developed them last year while training for my first marathon and still have trouble with it. I also bought an elastic brace/band at one of the drug stores that goes around the calf area and it seems to help some what.
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