Small steps to health
I have posted before that a recurrence of heel pain from Plantar Fasciitis has kept me from walking as far or as briskly. I have used stretches.. store bought generic heel supports.. and icing.. But it doesn't work for long. So I saw a foot doctor for the second time in two weeks. I prefer non chemical cures to pills and shots. I really want some prescription orthotics. But for the second week in a row, I got shots of Cortisone in my heels. Yeah it helps. I shoveled my driveway three times today. We'll see what happens by the time I see him in another two weeks.
Max wt. 500+ WLS workshop 4/6/09 440 Surgery 9/21/09 324 9/21/10 218
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Hi Herc,....Plantar Fasc. really is typically not the heels.........bottom of the foot, middle, at the arch close to the start of the heel........
There are foot splints you can wear at night that stretch the achilles, I have an extra that I would send to you......
Orthotics are a must , see your primary care Doc and get an RX for the orthotics, you are going to need them, it will break the pain cycle and they just feel great anyway!!!!!
Cortisone really helps the pain but doesn't fix the problem..........
Pull up the stretches on the web and get a different foot Doc............any good foot man would order you the orthotics right away............
I just saved you a $65 . office visit, my pleasure...........Patrick
There are foot splints you can wear at night that stretch the achilles, I have an extra that I would send to you......
Orthotics are a must , see your primary care Doc and get an RX for the orthotics, you are going to need them, it will break the pain cycle and they just feel great anyway!!!!!
Cortisone really helps the pain but doesn't fix the problem..........
Pull up the stretches on the web and get a different foot Doc............any good foot man would order you the orthotics right away............
I just saved you a $65 . office visit, my pleasure...........Patrick
I sympathize with your plight. I have very mild Plantar Facititis in one foot and icing is all I need now. My father need the prescription orthotics but they were not covered by Medicare nor his seconday insurance. I was recently at a family gathering and notice someone wearin some sort of soft brace. When I asked him about it, he said that it's a partially inflatable orthotic for Plantar Fascitits. So, there are many treatments out there. Maybe an inquiry to WebMD can give you more ideas to take with you when you see that new podiatrist.
I've now had Cortisone shots 2 times in two weeks AND the inflatable orthotic. I feel better. but not 100 percent. I'm pushing for the regular orthotics.
Max wt. 500+ WLS workshop 4/6/09 440 Surgery 9/21/09 324 9/21/10 218
Save $4 on Obesity Help magazine subscription using promo code: HERCULES,addtocart/itemId,1/pcode, hercules /

Save $4 on Obesity Help magazine subscription using promo code: HERCULES,addtocart/itemId,1/pcode, hercules /