Post X-mas Weigh-in
321.0: Surgery day 4/7/08
184.0: GOAL!! 1/13/09
173.0: 1yr Surgiversary 4/7/09 and at 18 months
165.2: all time low 11/30/09
168.4: Last week
167.4: This week
I hope Santa brought you everything you were after and if not hopefully you will find it on sale this week!
Looking back over the last year, other than the employment picture and having my gall bladder out, I can't complain - too loudly. Weight loss wise I went below goal, 185, back in January and have been as much as 20 pounds below that for most of the year. GF gave me a couple of size medium Polo type shirts shirts for X-mas and they FIT! Hot diggity!
To the "thinking about its" and the newbies WLS is worth it! The ride, as wild and as hellish as it can be at times, is something you have to prepare for both physically and mentally. Newbies, hang it there! You may have some tough sledding but the rewards will come! If you are still in the thinking about it, reasearching stage and have decided that 2010 will be the year you want to take on and win your personal war with obesity - GET OFF YOUR ASS! Fight the insurance companies, fight your family, fight the asshole naysayers or break into the kids piggy bank to self pay but GET IT DONE!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
I'll weigh in after the skins whip on the cowboys.If that happens i'll pass 10lbs and post tomorrow LOL LOL
My 13mos post has been a real trip. Weight loss was on target.Its all the other **** that hit the fan.I'd trade the last 20+ mos for any of my past 20+lifelong months without a blink
Go skins the spoilers
PS: Air Force is by far my favorite branch. I think it's because I have always been fascinated by aviaton. lol.

Follow My Journey!
[Last Updated: "Day #3" @ 9:45am on 12/30/09]
Began Medically Supervised Diet on 12/30/09.
Pre-Op To Post-Op. I'll be telling you all about it!
It may not be a quick journey, but A slow and steady approach might win you the race.
Save $4 on Obesity Help magazine subscription using promo code: HERCULES,addtocart/itemId,1/pcode, hercules /

361 : all time high 2008
311 : surgery day 5/18/09
215 : last week
211 : First goal met (100 pounds post op + 50 pounds pre op = 150 pounds gone) 12/26/09
211 : today
Finally hit that 100 pounds lost post op. I was hoping i would have hit it by christmas day, but it happened the day after. Regardless, i'll take it. I still feel like it took forever to lose the 100 pounds post op, but considering that I also lost 50 pounds pre-op, i should'nt complain. I'm still 150 pounds down from this time last year. Simply amazing.
Had a great christmas. I wanted clothes from my wife, so I told her to buy me clothes a size down from what i'm wearing now, to give me something to work towards. Joke was on me. She did as i instructed, but that damn clothes fit now! Large shirts and size 34 jeans. WTF! Who would have ever thought? Again, simply amazing.