I had some Jello instant fat & sugar free chocolate pudding for lunch today.. It has nearly 15 grams of carbs... the highest amount of carbs in any food item for me. I soon felt sleepy and took a 20 minute nap.. But woke up feeling refreshed.
Max wt. 500+ WLS workshop 4/6/09 440 Surgery 9/21/09 324 9/21/10 218
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Same thing happened to me months ago but it was fruit - grapes, berries and cantaloupe. Not only did I get very sleepy (passed out for several hours) I also had uncontrollable chills for a while until I fell asleep. Afterwards, I was fine other than feeling drained. I assume there is some kind of reaction to the flood of sugar into our bloodsteam??
I can handle most carbs. A medium sized bowl of ice cream does me good. But for some reason pop-tarts do exactly the same thing to me that you're describing. A couple of pop-tarts and a glass of milk and I'm down for a couple of hours and feel like I've got a 12-pack hangover when I wake up that lasts for an hour or two. And the others are correct in that there is such a thing as carb coma for us bypassers.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
Were you Type II diabetic - or even "insulin resistant" - before your surgery, Unitedude? 
I could swear that sometimes, esp. after eating carbs, I do "bonk out" just like I did back in my pre-op diabetic days (I see this same reaction today in my diabetic older brother after he eats a big meal) .. It even makes me wonder sometimes if my diabetes has returned, but my low A1C levels (usually under 5.0) confirm that it is still "gone" ..

I could swear that sometimes, esp. after eating carbs, I do "bonk out" just like I did back in my pre-op diabetic days (I see this same reaction today in my diabetic older brother after he eats a big meal) .. It even makes me wonder sometimes if my diabetes has returned, but my low A1C levels (usually under 5.0) confirm that it is still "gone" ..

Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "
HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )