19 months
'Evening guys,
Haven't visited the boards in quite a while so I wanted to jump in and say hello. Seems like everytime I visit there are new faces. This is a GOOD thing!
I used to think the other guys were lying when they said you sort of "lose interest" in talking about surgery and weight loss after the fact...but it's true. I was here EVERY DAY preop and shortly postop. But now, 19 months and 125 pounds later, I've sort of moved on. I've been given more responsbility at work, have been offered (and accepted) a leadership position in my son's Scout Pack, and am constantly "doing" something. It's been great.
Good luck and best wishes to those in the process, I'd do it again a thousand times.
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Good luck
I see that you do post from time to time so I thank you for that. I understand that many men find they have less time to spend on the boards as active time increases. Yet, an occasional stop here doesn't take much time. I appreciate your effort and I wish you continued success.
I do have one thing to say about talking about WLS. While I would not approach a morbidly obese person and start talking about WLS, I do keep my ears open in case someone mentions that a friend or acquaintance is contemplating it. I'll tell the speaker about OH and, if I know them well enough I'll provide some persoal info in case they want to contact me (i.e., my e-mail address or my phone number). I rarely get contacted but just having that knolwedge may help someone. I'm nowhere near goal and never expected to be. But, I have lost 230 lbs due to the surgery and consider that to be a success.