Just curious what people are drinking. My wife and I get by with the 1%. The nonfat taste like water. The 2% almost taste too rich. I can't stand buttermilk or eggnog...too much fat. So what do you buy and drink? And what can't you stand % wise and why? Brian
FF milk. May go to 1% as we can get it free. I drink 32oz daily, plus green tea 32 oz, plus red wine 32 oz. According to my Doc, I've covered all the bases for fluids and get a good nights sleep LOL LOL
I drink whole milk. My NUT said that with our diets our bodied generally dont get enough fats to work correctly and that the fat in milk will help my body. I consume 2-2 1/2 cups a day. I can drink 2% but anything less makes me gag.