Hernia Stuff
Hey Guys;
Anyone out there know much about a belly hernia?
I have been having some pain and the doc is sending me to have a CT scan tomorrow to look for a hernia. He could not feel one but wants to make sure. I had a lot of pain Tuesday, but got better at bed time, then has not been to bad after that.
Just wondering what you all may know.
Anyone out there know much about a belly hernia?
I have been having some pain and the doc is sending me to have a CT scan tomorrow to look for a hernia. He could not feel one but wants to make sure. I had a lot of pain Tuesday, but got better at bed time, then has not been to bad after that.
Just wondering what you all may know.
I just had my ventral hernia repaired (again) on tuesday, along with an abdominoplasty...from my expierience, there wasnt much pain...it was more of an annoyance since it was very large, about the size of a grapefruit....the smaller ones are actually more dangerous...if you have one dont worry about the operation, I only had to take 2 days off work for the first one (lap), but this one i'll prob end up taking about a week off since it was open and i had an abdominplasty at the same time...
good luck!
good luck!
-Adam - 6'6" - From 450 lbs to GOAL in 9 months...
Phase 1: Completed 10/2008.
Phase 2: Weightlifting - Goal: Add 40 lbs of muscle. Completed 2/15/2011.
Phas 3: Cut to 10% body fat.
MY STORY: imthebiggestloser.blogspot.com/