Finally back on track.....
I posted back in June about how I was struggling with the food and having gained almost 31 lbs back. It was wreaking havoc with my well being. I went Sugar, Flour and Wheat free and im pleased to report that since then I have dropped 37 lbs and feel pretty good. I had felt that having the lap band surgery was a failure for me but I needed to realize that it is only a tool and I decided to treat the disease of food addiction rather than the symptom. So far, thats working for me. I no longer feel that the band failed me but i rather failed the band. I was 455 when I started this journey, got down to 350 and shot back up to 381. Im now back at 344. You can never let your guard down.
One thing I strongly believe that caused my relapse was the amount of anti inflammatory drugs I was taking almost every day for arthritis in both knees. I was downing about 3-4000 mg a day, more than 3 times the usual dose. I finally had knee surgery (clean out) and I only take the pills sporadically. Pain causes depression which causes bad eating patterns which, well, you get the drift.......
One thing I strongly believe that caused my relapse was the amount of anti inflammatory drugs I was taking almost every day for arthritis in both knees. I was downing about 3-4000 mg a day, more than 3 times the usual dose. I finally had knee surgery (clean out) and I only take the pills sporadically. Pain causes depression which causes bad eating patterns which, well, you get the drift.......
"On the road that I have taken, one day, walking, I awaken,
amazed to see where I have come,where I'm going, where I'm from".
amazed to see where I have come,where I'm going, where I'm from".
I understand your problem. I got and used the Beck's Diet Solution in mid Jan and was sugar, white carb and junk food free from 01-29 through 05-22. Then I started to slip a little. I last got weighed on 06-22 and by then I had lost 50 lbs since 01-29. I celebrate inappropriately--I don't have any idea what I ate, but I'm back to some of my old eating ways. I haven't been able to put a couple days in a row together this summer without my addictive foods. I've been going back to Beck's but part of my problem now is realizing that I have to want to be free of my addiction in order to work the program. I can go through 23 hours in a day and just slip once. It won't bring down eternal damnation but it can screw up my thinking if I let it.
I'm just trying to go throughout the day without the junk. I know that Dr Beck advised about learning the exercises even if they didn't apply at the time. Perhaps the early part of this year went too easily for me. I had actually written to Dr Beck and she thought I was losing weight too quickly. I just ignored that and figured I was losing quickly due to my shrunken stomach ( the pouch). I've learned a lot and I'm not desparate. I know what I have to do, but, I'm not sure I'm willing to give up the addictive foods. I know that sounds lame. I know I'm making excuses. And, to be honest, I realize that having the addictive food is probably exascerbating my manic-depression rather than relieving it. I do recall how free I felt when I wasn't having the addictive foods. I should recall that more often and use that memory as a catalyst for getting back on my program. I have a feeling that I'll SAVE this tread in a special file on my harddrive so I can look at it when I need a reminder of what does work. Sometimes just posting it here clarifies my problems and my intent. Bob
I'm just trying to go throughout the day without the junk. I know that Dr Beck advised about learning the exercises even if they didn't apply at the time. Perhaps the early part of this year went too easily for me. I had actually written to Dr Beck and she thought I was losing weight too quickly. I just ignored that and figured I was losing quickly due to my shrunken stomach ( the pouch). I've learned a lot and I'm not desparate. I know what I have to do, but, I'm not sure I'm willing to give up the addictive foods. I know that sounds lame. I know I'm making excuses. And, to be honest, I realize that having the addictive food is probably exascerbating my manic-depression rather than relieving it. I do recall how free I felt when I wasn't having the addictive foods. I should recall that more often and use that memory as a catalyst for getting back on my program. I have a feeling that I'll SAVE this tread in a special file on my harddrive so I can look at it when I need a reminder of what does work. Sometimes just posting it here clarifies my problems and my intent. Bob
Thanks all for the replies. Bob, whats devastating about this disease is that all it takes after ridding the system of sugar/flour/wheats is that one bite to trigger the disease again. I have had that happen time and time again to me. It took literally months and months to finally start S/F/W free living only to have it fail within a day or two. Hitting that "true" rock bottom is harder than one may think. Now I had "only" gained 25 lbs or so back only because of my band. Had I been band free I shudder to think where I may be right now. Right now because of the band I can barely eat the full allowed portions on the food plan as it is.
One book I will strongly recommend to you and to anyone alse who is carbo and sugar sensitive is called "Food Addiction, the body knows" by Kay Sheppard. I refer to it at my worst moments and I find I can relate to more than 90% of what I read in there.
One book I will strongly recommend to you and to anyone alse who is carbo and sugar sensitive is called "Food Addiction, the body knows" by Kay Sheppard. I refer to it at my worst moments and I find I can relate to more than 90% of what I read in there.
"On the road that I have taken, one day, walking, I awaken,
amazed to see where I have come,where I'm going, where I'm from".
amazed to see where I have come,where I'm going, where I'm from".
Strangely enough, I have that book. I've known for years that I am a food addict. I'm addicted to sugar, white flour, and junk food. I agree with what you have to say. However, I've learned from friends in AA that there really is no true rock bottom. You can always go lower. Luckily, once you get low enough, you do seek help. I was in overeaters anonymous for 20 years and gained 300 lbs. It wasn't because of that organization. I have mental problems and wasn't being treated for them.
In January, I posted on the Main Forum and asked if anyone knew of a book that dealt with changing behavior and food problems. At that time a woman who is a food addict in remission as well as a behavioral therapist suggested that I get the Beck's Diet Solution. She said that she uses it for both individual and group counseling with food addicts.
I use the diet from the Food Addiction book because my post-op diet didn't adequately address my food addictions. My PCP and psychiatrist both approve of both books. The whole thing for me is that even having these tools, no diet will work unless I want to be on it and ama willing to work it. So I'm plugging along.
One thing that is helping me now is that I logged all of my food once I started using Beck's in notebooks. Now I can go back and see what I was eating as I was losing weight. Basically, I eliminated my addictive foods and other simple carbs ( white rice, potatos, and regular pasta). By eliminating them I was able to have more protein as well as more complex carbs and keep my caloric intake to about 1,600 cal per day. I found that I needed whole grains which I got from low cal whole wheat bread--it was a quick solution to eliminating constipation.
In January, I posted on the Main Forum and asked if anyone knew of a book that dealt with changing behavior and food problems. At that time a woman who is a food addict in remission as well as a behavioral therapist suggested that I get the Beck's Diet Solution. She said that she uses it for both individual and group counseling with food addicts.
I use the diet from the Food Addiction book because my post-op diet didn't adequately address my food addictions. My PCP and psychiatrist both approve of both books. The whole thing for me is that even having these tools, no diet will work unless I want to be on it and ama willing to work it. So I'm plugging along.
One thing that is helping me now is that I logged all of my food once I started using Beck's in notebooks. Now I can go back and see what I was eating as I was losing weight. Basically, I eliminated my addictive foods and other simple carbs ( white rice, potatos, and regular pasta). By eliminating them I was able to have more protein as well as more complex carbs and keep my caloric intake to about 1,600 cal per day. I found that I needed whole grains which I got from low cal whole wheat bread--it was a quick solution to eliminating constipation.