Proof that you can make it
That sure was a lot to go thru with in such a short amount of time. I'm glad things are going better now. I'm sure all that would have been a lot worse to deal with had you not lost a lot of weigh.
Pardon my for asking but what did your friend die of that had gastri bypass? Was it surgery related?
Pardon my for asking but what did your friend die of that had gastri bypass? Was it surgery related?
Unfortunately, we will never know for sure as his son did not want an autopsy done. He came through his surgery fine and was doing absolutely great until he ate solid food (chicken, baked beans, & potato salad) on Memorial Day at just 3 weeks out. After that, he began having major problems continously. It's likely that he ruptured his pouch and developed a leak, which caused an infection and septic shock.