How many carb ru eating????
Way to damned many. I'm 18 months out and that is becoming the big battle is how much "comfort food" to allow myself. I don't know that I buy completely in to the whole Dr. Atkins routine, but I'm pretty sure he nailed it as far as carb addictions are concerned.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
Carbs are important for energy and if you don't eat enough of them you do extra damage to your muscles during work-outs. You need to eat the right carbs though. Simple carbs like the ones in milk and fruits. I dont count grams of carbs but in a day I have 2 slices of whole grain bread, 1 bowl of Kashi Cerial with whole milk, 1 glass of milk and 1 serving of potatoes, rice or canned fruit. We should be eating our protien first so we are full before we eat the carbs, carbs play games with your blood sugar and trick you body and mind into thinking you are still hungry.
I don't count carbs per se. I count calories and protein grams. That being said, I usually have 1 regular size banana along with 2 light slices of whole wheat bread ( with oleo and 2eggs) for breakfast. Lunch is 4 oz protein and a salad or mixed vegetables (complex carbs). I usually have a late afternoon snack of either a protein shake or a low-fat yogurt. For dinner, it's 4 oz protein if Im having beef or pork or 6 oz for fish or fowl. I usually have 1 cup of cooked veggies (complex carbs) and up to 2 oz of starch. Since they are in season somewhere, we've been having a cup of strawberries and light whipped cream for a snack about 2 hours after dinner. I also have 2 X 100 cal bags of microwave popcorn before going to bed. The addicts diet that I'm following advises against the popcorn, but I haven't strayed from it to my addictive junk foods--ones that I can't stop eating. This works for me and may not work for everyone. I keep a running total of my calories so I know where I am as dinner and evening come along.
I usually don't have the protein shakes. If I do, I have to account for the calories--the shakes I use are 120 cal and 23 g of protein. If I don't have protein shakes, I usually get about 75 g of protein and about 20 more if I have one shake. If I'm low on cals for the day, I'll rarely have 2 shakes. If you are counting carbs, don't forget the carbs in the shakes. I always mix my shakes with water ( or just have a scoop of the powder straight up) but I never use milk. Remember to count the carbs/calories in the milk if you mix your protein in it.
I usually don't have the protein shakes. If I do, I have to account for the calories--the shakes I use are 120 cal and 23 g of protein. If I don't have protein shakes, I usually get about 75 g of protein and about 20 more if I have one shake. If I'm low on cals for the day, I'll rarely have 2 shakes. If you are counting carbs, don't forget the carbs in the shakes. I always mix my shakes with water ( or just have a scoop of the powder straight up) but I never use milk. Remember to count the carbs/calories in the milk if you mix your protein in it.