Are we all so spoiled?

on 4/26/09 4:38 pm, edited 4/27/09 12:39 am - Oxford, MI
      By chance this weekend I got a chance to repair the
generator I use at my hunting camp. I brought it home
last fall and began working on repairing/rebuilding the
carburetor on it. It is a propane powered generator so
it was a first for me. I finished and was thinking I should
really test it before I take it back out to my place in the
middle of nowhere, No sooner did I finish when it started
to rain and then shortly there after the power went out. I
hooked up that generator to my house and powered it up.
My household was back to having power in minutes.
     The first thing I noticed that my family was all pissed off
that the power was out. We had power, OK generator
power, but enough for a house hold and we could run everything
except the air conditioner. Next one of my
neighbors wanted to know could he hook up to my
generator. I was tempted to say "I was a boy scout and I
learned to be prepared", but I didn't. I loaned him my spare generator. Then another neighbor came by to tell me that
he was going to take his family to a hotel until the power
came on while mumbling about planning to see if he can
get re-reimbursed by the power company. The final kicker
in this is he then asked me if I would "walk over with my shotgun and check on his house a few times each night."
He proceeded to tell me how burglars like to break into
places where there is a power outage!
     Are we that spoiled that we can't cope without electricity
for a few days? So spoiled we would leave our most
expensive investments to be vulnerable to invasion?
Am I the only person that see this as being spoiled.
     Perhaps this is an better subject for a rants and raves
forum but I think that, perhaps,  we have a different
attitude about this than the ladies might.
PS The power's back on, and I am back. As for my
neighbor, I won't hire out with a gun for money. I was
surely not going to do it for free.
on 4/26/09 8:06 pm - Deland, FL
Wow all I can say is wow. In FL no power = tailgating.  Do they need me to call FEMA?   I could never ask that of someone.  If it was that bad i would have taken the family to the hotel and then come back to watch the house.  There are man rules and asking someone to take a gun over to your property isn't one of them.

I tell people Fill up your cars, buy charcoal grills or a coleman roadtrip grill and a box of propane/charcoal for hurricane season. They don't listen.    I don't have a generator cause I never felt the need for one. I do have a AC/DC converter in the dually to run small items.  I like it, it's camping to me.

on 4/26/09 9:00 pm, edited 4/27/09 12:29 am - Oxford, MI
First off I have to say the reason I was set back was that it
isn't that bad. I live in a rural area and the likelihood that
anyone would break in is slim. Second I am with you, it's
like tailgate time. It was a weekend, so I just made the best
of it. We broke out the grill. I just can't believe the people
here are so dependent that one interruption and they go
nuts. We were part of the big outage in 2004 when most
of the east coast and Midwest lost power. Back then we
lost power for days.
     It was no problem. In fact, when it happened I called
my 80 year old mom and asked her if she wanted to come to
my house for a few days since I had a generator hooked up.
She said "Why? I grew up with no power and no running
water. I have a gas stove, candles, and bottled water. It's
just like my youth to me!"
     I do have several generators which I use in my hunt camp. Mostly because we like to keep the meat frozen. Oh and
hunting season is also football season. But if the generator
goes out in camp, we just go into town and buy a lot of ice.
Then we continue hunting.
on 4/26/09 10:23 pm - Crofton, MD
Got a news flash Nick.  Picture this.  7 very dirty low yield 100lb nukes with HE  placed at the 7 main switching stations along the east coast.  Boom no power or chance of power for 13 - 18 mos..  got a full tank of gas????
Generators, no good. see how spoiled and dependent we are on the electric grid.  And they want to sell me an electric car.
on 4/26/09 11:38 pm, edited 4/28/09 2:18 pm - Oxford, MI
     Unless the supply has changed since I took Entry to Nuclear Physics there isn't enough helium 3 isotope on this planet to make a He bomb, if that is what you mean. A lithium cased hydrogen bomb is a closer reality. But in fear of having men in black visit my home, I will neither confirm nor deny any knowledge of such devices.  
     If, however, you simply mean to point out that it would take very little to take out our electric grid, I agree 100%. I think it takes a lot less than you have indicated. Our electrical service grid is so over taxed that it only took one station operator failing to take note of a surge, to cripple the East and Midwest a few years ago. Our failure to build new power plants over the last 30 years has left us far more vulnerable to massive catastrophic power failure. A few well placed rodents might be enough to shut us down now days.
on 4/27/09 1:31 am - Crofton, MD
no nick, high explosives HE  boom boom stuff that takes out the switches etc.  there only 4 available replacements world wide and a radioactive environ makes it a timely repair.
just think no lights - make babies like they did in NY.  Course, no refer, stoves,gas,a/c heat fresh food, water etc. no place to go to work at.  jus alot of people clogging  churches and doing doing damage
on 4/27/09 4:31 am - Deland, FL
Ummm, I dont want to ruin my Clearance so I am not posting on this subject anymore cause someone has put too much thought into this matter..

I would never go to a church..  I am in FL a lot of fresh food walking and swimming here and water cause it rains alot.  So let the power go out. I'll eat some of the armadillas we have walking around.

on 4/27/09 5:19 am - Crofton, MD
If u call this a thoughtful plan, guess what, this was in the news and pretty much a discarded scenario.  The pros are way ahead of this curve.  Maybe the "men in black" will come a calling
on 4/27/09 9:15 am - Oxford, MI
For reasons that I won't share info with the wrong people,
I do not want to expand on what can be done to us. Just 
let me assure you that with today's chemical materials and
electronics it is a far more dangerous world than I grew up in.
But this is another subject. How well will this country survive
the next attack? We make ourselves too vulnerable by not
being prepared physically and emotionally. Just being unwilling
to realize we were ill prepared made 911 possible.
on 4/27/09 9:49 am - Deland, FL
and the media shares too much info about the USA and our Military

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