just saying hi
hello everyone i just thaught id say hello and let everyone know whats up in my little world since my wife left me last month ive moved in with a friend of mine at the other end of my state from her her and i still talk and we are gonna just be friends ive got a date this saturday with a girl i new in high school and had a crush on she just moved back to vermont and for some strange reason is calling me and wanting to hang out i told her im not ready for a relationship and she knows my story and knows alot about my life cause we were best friends in high school but never dated well we went out once but it wasnt a real date and now she said she wanted me to take her out on a date i was like ok wanna meet for lunch im stupid sometimes and she goes no i want you to take me out on a real date so i said sure lol anyways things are looking up for me and i started hitting the gym again two weeks ago a hour a day i feel great and im down to 317 from 363 in december i got my insurance approvale for surgery and im waiting for my doctor to set the date she was ill and out of work for a month she returns march 3rd so im thinking the end of march my world will change drasticlly and its gonna be great to have a new/old friend there for me as well as all the support you guys give me ill try to stay intouch but my life is getting buisy
The One Geon Ward