My personal pitty fest

on 2/25/08 1:58 am
So I have been going through my own personal pitty party this last week. All the usual guests were there Why can't I eat what I want. Why doesn't anyone at home understand. What did I do to myself. And the always favorite why me. So, I have decided to try and tackle some of these things. Why can't I eat what I want?  I really know the answer to this, but I think if I break it down a little bit, I might be able to get some help from you guys. I think what might actually help with this is to find out what you guys do when you are smacked with head hunger or food cravings.   I'm still on a pretty restrictive diet, Doc only wants 3 meals a day, so snacking is out.  Are there any mental games you play to help overcome the cravings or head hunger? Thanks Scott

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/25/08 2:30 am - Meridianville, AL
I'm still pre-op so I can't help from experience, but the nutritionist said that when we feel that after surgery to drink liquids.  She said that most of the time drinking the liquids will take care of it.  I'm sure some of the old-time post-op guys will be able to offer some advice that might help. Hang in there dude - you can make it!
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
on 2/25/08 4:32 am
Scott, It looks like you've lost 152lbs already hell...that is great! I can't tell, I'm guessing that you have just had surgery?...If that is the case, I know I got tired of chicken broth and stuff to the point I was crazy...I think it only lasts about a month. What you will find is the first time you shove down some chicken or something "too soon" you may end up throwing it back up later in the day because it is not being digested like it was before...Find a little variety, go to wendy's and get you some chili or something but as time passes, you honestly will "forget" about eating and probably care less if you do or not (thats from fat man to fat man it is the truth!)...Hang in there! David
Doug S.
on 2/25/08 5:02 am - Pelican Rapids, MN
My advice would be to "turn it into something else". When all you want to do is eat and you know you shouldn't; FORCE yourself to go and do something else. If you are a home owner then I know you have a bunch of little pain in a$$ type jobs that you've been trying to forget about. Make a job jar (your wife will like this) and pull a slip out and do the job. Go for a walk, exercise or pick up a hobby. All of us used to devote a significant amount of time during a typical day to eating. Now that we can't and still should not eat so much, we find we have nervous energy and time on our hands. And those old food gremlins are "banging at our door" trying to get us to over eat again.  Dig in, strengthen your resolve and don't let those old "hungeries" kick your a$$ any more. Food is our alcohol and this our battle; but this time we win. Remember that. Someone said something on this forum that hit me like a brick. It was, "If you want to change your life, you must change your life". This is how we do it, one food self-denial at a time. Hang in there buddy.  Doug
Cards Fan
on 2/25/08 5:03 am, edited 2/25/08 6:07 am
Why can't I eat what I want?  The politically incorrect or tough love answer to this one would be, "Because eating what you wanted is what got you here in the first place."  But it's not as simple as that.  Some do not experience the head hunger issues so early post-op and only eat because they have to, not because they are hungry or want to eat.  The head hunger sometimes doesn't come into play until months down the road.  Others go through a grieving process and experience a tremendous amount of buyers remorse.  The buyers remorse typically goes away after 3-4 weeks once the weight starts dropping rapidly.  A very effective way to combat head hunger is to do 5-6 small meals rather than 3 meals daily.  This gives your body less of a chance throughout the day to send the hunger signals that can drive one crazy.  Now your Doctor only wants 3 a day, but I can tell you that as long as you're eating the right things in the right amounts, it does not matter if you do 3 meals or 5-6 equals out.  5-6  small meals does not equal snacking - it's a strategy that you can use now or anytime.  Rule of thumb is to always follow your doctor's instructions, but ultimately you've got to find something that works for you.  I've seen the multiple meals strategy work not only to combat head hunger, but also keeps the metabolism firing more evenly which can be conducive to minimizing plateaus. Why doesn't anyone at home understand?  Until someone walks in your shoes, it's nearly impossible for them to comprehend the physical and mental transformation you're going through - don't expect them to.  We often expect everyone around us to change and make the adjustments to your new lifestyle - don't get caught in this trap.  Your family and friends did not have WLS, you did.  You've got to make the necessary adjustments to  be successful  in the environment in which you live.  Local support groups can often be helpful in bridging the gaps so loved ones can see other post-ops dealing with similar situations as well as giving them the opportunity to interact with other support persons.  Family counseling can also be effective through the many life changes of post-op life.  Most of all, just communicate with them - share your experiences - make them part of the process - let them know too that what you're doing is as much for them as it is for you.  Everyone in the family has a stake in the outcome. What did I do to myself and why me?  You did this because your sick and tired of being sick and tired.  You want to live a healthier and more productive life.  Hell, you want to LIVE period!  Some want to get their lives back and some want to live a life they've never lived before.  You want to feel better and yes look better too.  You want to live a normal life (whatever that is) and not worry about what people think or say about you.  You want to fit in a restaurant booth, fit in an airplane seat, buy clothes off the rack, bend over and tie your shoes easily, keep up with the kids, take a walk without getting winded, get rid of the cpap or bipap, or perhaps get rid of the diabetes.  You want to play the game of life rather than be a spectator.  You did this to yourself because enough is enough and you've finally decided to take control of your life.  CONGRATULATIONS! Best wishes! Cards Fan
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