Man, I feel for you on the Kidney stones. I had one about 15 years ago, it was pretty big. They wound up doing Lithotrypsy on it to break it up, but before they did that they felt like I needed a stint run between my kidney and my bladder, because a stone that size simply wouldnt pass, and they were afraid after it was broken up it could clog.
Off to surgery I go, and I still remember a couple of things that make me chuckle. The first was being wheeled into this preop room. I was laying in my bed between two women who were also waiting for surgery. Well, let me tell you this room was about 5 degrees warmer than a refrigerator and soon I had to pee in the worst possible way. So I called for the nurse and I told her I really had to go. She said not to worry, that the doctors would take care of it for me, then she left. Well, that would have been fine if they were wheeling me in there right then, but about ten minutes went by and there was no sign of me being wisked away, so I called her again and told her I had to go right then or I was going to wet the bed. I must have been getting yellow in the eyes because she ran and got me this plastic bottle that you pee in at the hospital. She hands it to me and draws the little semi circle curtain shut around me.
Now let me explain a little bit about me. I dont perform well under pressure. I dont like public bathrooms, I dont like to pee standing next to some other guy. It is a quirk, and oddity, a crazy thing I know but it is just me. So here I am with this plastic bottle, and women I dont know are about 4 feet away on my left, right, and at my feet were the nurse was standing right outside of that thin curtain. I had to go so bad, it didnt matter. I tucked that jug up to my personal business and let it go.
Have you ever sprayed a water hose into a milk jug? Do you have any idea how much racket that makes? Well that was me. There was no way to hide it, I just let it go and go and go and go. For some strang reason I thought that singing our national anthem quietly would help, but it didnt. Instead it just made the women on all around me start laughing. But hey, what can you do?
So I finally finished, and the room was suddenly deathly quiet accept for some giggling. The nurse asked "All done?" It was funny to me because it was so obvious. I just said "Yes, I am done." So she opens the curtain and holds out her hand for the bottle. "I said you cant have it until it cools off, it is the only thing keeping me from freezing to death." That got a good laugh out of all of them. I wasnt nearly as shy as I would have thought I would be.
The second thing I remember was waking up with a piece of string coming out of my personal business and it was taped to the base. I dont know if I am a freak or what but I do know that they didnt leave near enough slack in there and the first time I got aroused I wound up with a bow. Seriously I could have shot tiny arrows with it. I didnt feel good at all so I had to undo it and retape.
The third and final thing I remember was going to see the urologist to have the stint removed. He came in wearing this big rubber apron that covered him from the ching down. I didnt think much abut it until he pulled that stint out and I peed all over the front of him. Man talk about embarrasment, but obviously that was the reason for the rubber apron.
The lithotripsy went well, and I had very little pain until the stone was ready to pass after the stint was out. That morning I was at work and I felt like I had to go really bad. So I ran to the restroom and like three drops were all that came out. Let me tell you that feeling right there blows. I wound up going home and drinking a ton of water and finally it came tumbling out. It felt like it was end over end and it was as jagged as the day is long. It came out with such force that it actually did not land in the water it was like a rising fast ball that wound up hitting the rim and bouncing onto the floor. But ahhh the relief. I havent had any problems since then thang goodness but my gallbladder has to go in a week. I hope it goes better than the stone did.
All time recorded high 4/15/07 334lbs at the start of my 6 month approval journey.
Liquid Diet 10/15 329lbs - 10/29 309lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
DoS 10/29 309lbs - 11/29 282lbs = 27lbs gone forever.
11/29 282lbs - 12/29 269lbs = 13lbs gone forever.
12/29 269lbs - 1/29 249lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
1/29 249lbs - 2/29 239lbs = 10lbs gone forever.
2/29 239ibs - 3/29 230lbs = 9lbs gone forever.