Happy Non-Surgivesary To That Jared Dude
I haven't seen or heard much about him in the past year or so. I'm sure he doesn't eat exclusively vegetarian subways like he did when losing his weight.
He SHOULD be commended for keeping that much off that long, something probably few or non of us on this board could do without WLS.
But, he has an incredibly strong motivator that we haven't had -- $$$$. If someone had offered us lucrative product endorsement deals for getting thin and staying that way, I'm sure that could have been motivation enough for at least some of us to take it off and keep it off.
We have them here too .
BTW Bob I use to live in Clarksville . I was a GI at Ft Campbell .A long time ago though . Im sure it has changed a lot since I have been there .
I have a friend going to school there he's studing to be a RN there at Auston p state univ.
Is the big fireworks Warehouse still there right off hwy 41A ? I think it was Just down the road from Ft Campbell ?? We spent a lot of money there .LOL
Nick Yea its still there Allen's Fireworks, So is Charlie's Steak House by Gate 6. But every things grown up. I travel a lot and it seems every time I come home there's a new building. I don't get over by Ft. Campbell a lot these days I live over by St. B. My nephew is going to Austin Peay on a golf scholarship.