Friday Coffee Talk
Good Friday morning everyone! IT'S FRIDAY! Wanna do the Friday
with me? I know you had a good nights sleep. I sure know I did. I went to bed at 6 p.m. and didn't wake up till 1 a.m. then went right back to sleep at 2:45. I slept very good. Today is going to be a WONDERFUL day! I just know it!
Our challenge is to be encouraged. No matter what you are facing in your life right now, you can be encouraged and know that you will make it through. Be encouraged and know that there is an end to all things bad. Be encouraged a know that this too shall pass. Be encouraged and know that you can accomplish the tasks that are in front of you. JUST BE ENCOURAGED! Do NOT let discouragement rule you today. YOU CAN HAVE FAITH! That is what encouragement is!
So, what cha sipping on tihs morning? Me? Nothing for me today. I'm having eye surgery at 11 so I can't have anything. I sure do miss my coffee this morning. Lucy and I got a big laugh off this yesterday. She and I said, what's coffee talk w/o coffee. So here I sit, drinking a cyber cup with ya. LOL NOT! Whatever you are having this morning, sip some for me!
Ya'll have a blessed and wonderful FRIDAY!!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Morning! Today is a great Friday! I'm feeling great. I was able to make it to Karate last night for the first time in at least two weeks. I tell you I was sure missing my exercise. I could feel my body getting stiff and my over attitude and emotion was dismal at best. I feel rejuvenated and I'm looking forward to the next session.
Encouragement is something that seems to be lacking a lot in the world. Sometimes I spend a lot of time talking about what I'm going through I forget to allow others to encourage me. But I feel encouraged today! I'm gonna make it a point to not think negatively and encourage others who are feeling down.
I had my Gold Coast Blend of Starbucks. 2 mugs/4 cups. I drank a carnation breakfast shake this morning. Just really wasn't hungry at all this morning. (Those things have a LOT of sugar in btw..first time I had one..too sweet for me!) After affects of exercise I guess. Now I'm sipping on my water and trying to look busy at work!
Good morning everyone. Well, I'm not sipping anything right now, because the only coffee drinks I like are more like milkshakes than coffee. Good bye Vente Mocha Frapuccino.
I have my 1 month appointment with my surgeon today, and I'm busy compiling my list of questions for him. I have my graphs of food consumption, exercise and weight loss all compiled thanks to I don't recall *****commended that site, but I liked it so much that I bought the program.
I have had a couple miserable days recently, everything seems to make me sick or produce so much gas that I feel like I'm going to pop. That coupled with the dizzy spells, headaches, and the feeling of choking have made me question my decision for this surgery recently. It was so bad the night before, and yesterday, that I stayed home from work.
I'm still trying to stay positive, and hope that these feelings are only temporary. It would be easier to accept if the dang scale would move, but it has been stuck at 295 for over a week now.
Oh well off to work
Good luck everyone, and have a great day