New Avatar Up - But Can You See The License Plate?
I finally figured out how to upload the photo as my new avatar, but you can't read the plate on it , unless you go to my profile and click on the larger version of the picture there &:-/)
But at least you can see see how the plate turned out .. Pretty neat, IISSM .. !
Guess I'll have to play around with the pic some more ..

I can make it now that I saw the bigger one. I cropped and blew it up for you. It's a little grainy but it may show up nicely as an avatar.

dang .. well that sucks .. I deleted the old avatar and went to put this one on there, and it says something about a problem with the address and to check the URL .. (?) maybe it was too big to work? &:-/) when I get home I'll try that resizing website and see if I can shrink it down to 100 x 100 and try again ..

Here ya go bro... I forgot about the 100x100 requirements. See if this will work
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