Thursday Coffee Talk
Good morning everyone. I hope you had a good nights sleep. I know I did.
This morning, I come to you with a heavy heart. One of our very own, Renee aka RedDusty's husband, Mike, lost his battle with cancer. My challenge to you today is to please go to her page (the link follows) and let her know that you are praying for her and are supporting her. In a time like this, it helps to know that you have prayers and support of friends. You may not even know her, but you will touch her life just by being there with support. I can fully relate as to where she is and what your support will do for her. PLEASE let her know you care! Here is the link N=C1040358963
I'm enjoying some awesome Maxwell House regualr this morning. I hope you are enjoying your coffee, water, protein shake or tea. No matter what you are sipping, enjoy it and savor the taste. There is nothing like my quiet time enjoying my coffee in the morning!
Ya'll have a wonderful and blessed day. PLEASE BLESS RENEE WITH YOUR SUPPORT!