Question about the Foley Catheter

Brian I.
on 2/20/08 9:55 am
So at what point does it come out? The pre-op seminar I attended at the hospital talked about it going in while I was still under which is okay I guess since I will be sleeping but it's the coming out I'm now worrying about.

Is it as painful coming out as I'm imagining it is going in?
on 2/20/08 10:06 am - Meridianville, AL
I worry a little about that too, but others here have said it is really not that bad. Some say it is more of a "weird" feeling that only lasts a couple of seconds when they remove it. I just look at it this way - ain't nothing gonna keep me from gettin thin and healthy again!   We'll make it through it fine Brian.
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
Cards Fan
on 2/20/08 10:08 am
The old catheter...the cause of more anxiety pre-op than the actual operation itself.  I was scared pissless about that darn thing....ALL FOR NOTHING!  As you said, foley in after you are out cold on the table, foley out likely the day after.  As far as it felt coming out...didn't feel like much at all.  Took a deep breath and exhaled while it was coming out...nurses assistant grabbed my willie and pulled the foley right out in all about 1.5 seconds.
on 2/20/08 10:12 am - Honolulu, HI
Aloha Brian, Just make sure that it's really time to take it out when they do. When they take it out it is not painful. It just feels like someone is scraping the head of a nail on the inside of your Boto. It is also held in with some kind of balloon which a nurse has to deflate first. I could not go on demand like the nurse wanted me to. She said my bladder was full so she must do a direct catheter. What do you think? Doesn't sound good does it? Well she grabs hold of the little feller and shoves this tube about 12 inches in you then presses with both hands right below your belly. Then starts patting and says Okay you are all empty. Then in one swooping motion she pulls and feels like you are turning inside out.  You ever slice a hot dog down the side and throw it in a frying pan how it curls and turns inside out? Get the picture? I swear there are holes on men that were absolutly not made to have things inserted in.. Another key word to listen for is a Soapy Flush. We won't talk about that right now. any way, It's all good!! Good luck with yours.
on 2/20/08 11:05 am - Marlton, NJ
Lap Band on 12/04/06 with
Honolulu, You said it's held in with some sort of ballon that the nurse has to deflate first. I just wanted to know if she has to deflate it with her mouth????     Dan
on 2/20/08 11:33 am - Syracuse, UT
No Dan THATS TO INFLATE NOT DEFLATE  Any way dont sweat the small stuff  ( pardon the pun )  That's the stuff that will fad quit quickley from your mem. Just think of all the great things you will be able to do in the furture . Great thing are coming your way so hang on . Nick
(deactivated member)
on 2/20/08 11:38 am - Houston, TX
Aloha Dude... You are the most evil man who ever posted here....nail head on the inside...very nice...You gonna make this guy Johnson shrink all the way up inside him.... SA_BO_TAGE!!! Welcome aboard Russ
on 2/20/08 1:06 pm - Honolulu, HI
All Right.. Sorry.. A little to much graphics eh? Okay how you sugar coat it because that nurse didn't sugar coat anything and if shrank up inside that eveil nurse would have dove in after it... Arrrggghh!!! Okay okay.. Brian it doesn't last long. I probably should be glad that a woman grabbed it in the first place. That's the most action I have had in years. The Sponge bath was pretty nice too. I had them take me off that Morphine Drip too. The one where you keep pressing the button. The so called pain which was gas for me doesn't go away with the morphine and they told me all that morphine left me unable to urinate on my own anyway. The gave me Liquid Cherry Flavored Oxycodone which feels much better. Try getting off that as soon as possible too when you get home so you can think straight. I got home on Friday Night and was working on Sunday. I am feeling great now. Darn now why did you have to bring up that Foley.. Now I am gonna think about Nurse Lee all night... I look forward to your story Brian.. Mahalo
Jason S.
on 2/20/08 12:18 pm - Williamston, NC

My surgery is on 3-8 and, I tell you, this issue has bothered me more than anything else.  My wife tells me that I'm waaay overreacting..I told her she wasn't qualified to make assumptions!

on 2/20/08 12:43 pm, edited 2/20/08 12:45 pm
It's really not so bad, guys.  They did me three times when I had my surgery in December, so I got to feel it going in twice (first time I was out), and coming out three times.  One time was the "straight" catheter as above.  Even that wasn't all that bad.   Dude, sorry about your bad experience out there in Hawaii.  Perhaps your nurse wasn't as gentle as she could have been.  Or, you might have had internal strictures (narrowing of the passage) which made it harder, not as smooth of a ride out as it could be.  I guess this is quite common, I myself have one. It's really not that big of a deal, sort of a wierd sensation, and perhaps a twinge of pain, but nothing that's going to make you scream.  Sort of the same pain level as pulling a bandage off a hairy arm.  Sort of the same sensation, actually. If it is really bothering you psychologically, just either resolve to "man up" and get it over with, or try to think of some cute double entrendre or wisecrack to entertain the nurse with as she pulls it out -- "You know, I usually don't do this on a first date" kind of thing.
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