Blog Update
Looks like you've got a good start. My 3 month aniversary is coming up next week and I'll be hard pressed to be down 90 lbs. Hell of a job and let's go get the next 90.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
Wow dude. Your doing fantastic on the weight loss! How are yo feeling energy wise? I just had my 6 month checkup today. Ive lost 103 pounds since my surgery, and they said I was right on schedule.
I hit the gym 4 to 5 days a week, and I feel better after a work out, and look forward to going. I think its amazing at the change of life many of go through.
My energy level is good.
I am not a bundle of energy by any means, but I am feeling good and self motivated enough to hit the gym in the mornings after a 12 hour shift.
We have a great gym at work, but I only work 3 days a week with the long shifts, and work is 40 miles away, so I have only been going in twice a week.
I am going downtown today to join a gym locally so I can start hitting it at least 4 times a week.