Vacation and more (WARNING A LONG POST)

(deactivated member)
on 2/19/08 12:00 pm - Platte City, MO
Okay, so I have not posted in a little while. I have an appointment with the dietician on 3-14 and am waiting on hearing from the shrink for my psych eval. On 2-14 I went to my PCP and weighed in at 400 lbs even! woohooo me.  Though that may not be the case next time I weigh in. I have had a few pieces of candy and other goodies while on vacation. Oh yeah vacation. I just got back today . Vacation was well let me begin with... My wife and I left our 3 yr old and 3 month old with Grandma on Friday 2-15  we flew from Kansas City to Baltimore and stayed just outside of Baltimore. The first night we ate at RA a sushi place in Baltimore. Great food great atmosphere. I have eaten at RA in Phoenix AZ before but it was a first for my wife.  On Saturday we drove to Hershey PA to go to Hershey Chocolate World. All I can say s by 9:30 AM I was so amped on chocolate for breakfast I was shaking! Really was a lot of fun.  After we drove around the town seeing the Milton Hershey mansion and the plant and the house he was born in we stopped to eat some lunch. At that point my wife and I got a wild hair in our A$$ and said we don't have the kids lets drive to New York! So we got in the car and drove to NYC. Neither of us had been there before and all I could say was WOW we are going back! We drove to lower Manhattan and took the Staten Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. Then took the subway to 42nd St in Time Square. WOW all the hustle and bustle was cool. We grabbed some NY pizza and walked walked walked. SO MUCH TO SEE. Then the wife said hey were in NY she wanted her absolute favorite food CHEESECAKE! Stopped by a place called Roxys and had a $10 slice of strawberry cheesecake. She said it was the best she had ever had and after I took my ONE and only bite I would have to agree. We walked a little longer and decided to see ground zero. So we hopped a Sub back south to the car and drove to Ground Zero. All I can say is GOD BLESS AMERICA! After that it was late and I still had to drive back to Baltimore. Got back to the hotel at 2 AM.  Was back up at 6 AM and out the door at 7 AM off to Washington DC. Went to the National Museum of Natural History at Smithsonian. WALKED WALKED WALKED WALKED..oh did I mention we WALKED!  We seen the White house the Washington monument and a few other sites that day. Thought about going to Atlantic City but it was 8 PM and we were tired and hungry, it was a Chipotle night. Got up the next morning (Monday) and went back to DC Got there at 8 AM and went by Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot. and stood in line at the National Archives to see The Bill of Rights and The Declaration of Independence ( The Constitution was out for repairs.) From there we went to the Air and Space Museum were they had some items from the American History Museum on display since it was under construction. Seen a lot there. Went and got in the car and drove around DC for a bit and went to the Lincoln Memorial and the Veterans Wall. So at that point it was about 2 or 3 pm and I asked the wife...NOW WHAT? She said Atlantic City here we come. So off to Atlantic City we went. I think the GPS system had us lost though. It took almost 4 hrs to get there. Went to Borgata Hotel Casino to the Buffet to eat and OMG what a great buffet full of fresh fish and seafood. Well then  I proceed to lose $300 at the slots and say its time to go. We left at about 11 pm so I was thinking ok 4 hrs to drive back. But the GPS said it was only going to take 2 hrs 10 min I thought NO WAY! But sure enough it took me another way and it took 2 hrs 20 min.  Another thing TOLLS SUCK out there $23 EACH WAY! All in all we had a great vacation we got home today (Tuesday) at around 2:30 PM.  I would have to say we walked about 15-18 miles and drove 1048 miles and paid ~$100 on tolls. But I wouldn't have changed a thing. Other than possibly more time. We'll see what the scales have to say next time I weigh in.
on 2/20/08 1:53 am - Kansas City, MO
Sounds like you guys had a GREAT time.  Stay on the psych to get in for your eval.  He is always busy.  If you can let them know to call you if he has a cancellation. Bill
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