Macadamias in - Macadamias Out...Malasorption?
Even with Xenical never saw anything like this. I came home and my wife had bought me a bag of Mauna Loa macadamia nuts - one of my weaknessess. So I ended up pigging out on 3/4 of the bag, or about 8 oz. This morning I said hello again to the Macadamia nuts. TMI, but same color and even some of the same smell. I don't know if it's because I have 150 cm bypasses instead of the usual 120 or what.
I really think it's a case of "eat more, weigh less."
Hy Dave
I love those things . I buy them in a big bag at sam's club . ( Same brand name too )
I like to eat them with a spoon full of peanutbutter at the same time .
But I dont EAT the whole bag . That would tie my gut's up in a big knot .
( trust me i found that one out the hard way )
Then I would wind up pooping blood , And that always scars the begebe's out me .I dont do that any more . But I love macadamia nuts .