Pecentage of success

I've heard statistics like "most people maintain a weight loss of 70% of their excess weight," or, "80% of patients lose 80% of their excess weight." Something to that effect. Anyway, most patients manage to keep the majority of their excess weight off. But, what I also don't think is reflected too well in those statistics is the fact that what, 80% of WLS patients are women? I don't know the exact number, but I'm sure for every guy that has it, there are probably at least 3, if not more, women that do. And, I think this goes in our favor. Compared to women, we lose weight faster and easier. I don't know, long term, if we KEEP it off better or longer, but at least, if we relapse, we are better equiped, physiologically, to lose it again. As far as Carne Wilson goes, I know she regained some of her weight, but I believe she has lost much of that again. However, she had "other" issues besides just food. I saw her recently on something talking about substitute addictions. She became an alcoholic post-weight loss. And, as we all know, alcohol has a lot of calories, and also distorts your judgement about other things. She's on that wagon now, too, apparently. Despite her problems, I think we really all owe her a debt of gratitude, because she was the first celebrity to really "come out of the closet" about WLS issues, making it easier for all of us to get it, in some sense.