Magnificent gas release
This morning as I do most mornings I got up and weighed. To my suprise I had lost another 2 lbs from my lowest weight, and 4lbs from yesterday. Then I realized that it has been I year since I started this journey, at 329.1 lbs. I had super high blood pressure (bp) without my medications and I was max'd out on my bp meds and I was still mildly high. I am diabetic and was taking 4 insulin shots a day plus 3 or 4 oral meds.
As of today I weigh 210.0, with my clothes on. That's a total loss of 119.1 lbs in one year. I'm down to one bp medication and this morning my bp was 112/66. I haven't had a shot of insulin since my surgery and I'm down to one oral med twice a day. My last check up the A1C was 6 (for those who don't know what that is, it's a long term check on diabetes and 6 is excellant.). I'm feeling great, with more energy and I can get around so much easier. The old slimmer guy can even bend over and clip his toenails with relative ease, boy what a difference.
I've gone from a size 52/48 pant size to a 36/34 size. I've bought two belts as well. My shirt size has gone from 4xl/3xl to xl and I can get a lg on, but it's tight yet.
I apologize for the long posting, but it is so incredable to me that an old guy (61) has become such a light weight. I didn't think it would happen to me. Thanks for reading this and those who have been there know how I feel and those who are on their way will see what they can look forward to in their future.
Have a great day