Hi guys,
It's been along time since I updated where I am in this journey. First off I turned 50 on 1-25. Ended up just another day at my house. Kids sent either an email or card.My wife of 25 yrs. wished me a happy birthday and that was it. For some reason I thought turning fifty should have been a bigger deal. She made it a lot easier to shop for her birthday come September.
Now for some FARTS. First I guess I will have to admit that I too am a clothes ***** Since I have discovered the clearance racks I must admit that if I am in a store that sells men's clothes I feel compelled to check them out. With that being said I found some dress shorts on a clearance rack a couple of weeks ago for 2.50 ea so I bought three pair. Took them home and tried them on. They were to big. Took them back and bought size 32, they fit!! So that had been in the back of my mind wondering if they were just made big or if it was possible I could really wear a 32. About a week or two ago I had to go to the mall so I stopped in Sears and tried on a size 32 Levi's and they fit. I went and got another pair just to make sure, along with a pair of dress pants, they fit. I refrained from buying anything. I did get on ebay and I am wearing a pair of 32 Levi's as I write this.Down from size 54. Night before last I was at Kohl's and bought a medium fitted dress shirt that was normally $36 for $7.80, down from XXL or XXXL. Also there is something about a nicely pressed shirt. I work at a desk most of the day in a warehouse. I wear jeans every day and a dress shirt. Probably over dressed but for $7.80 even if they get stained and ruined I am not out big bucks. I have bought several shirts like this. I get a lot of comments about how good I look, some times it's embarrassing, and some times it's pretty damn nice.
I have applied for a different position at work and have been told that my name had already been brought up. A year ago I would have never even considered it.
I am in better shape than I can ever remember, I have walked or ran 220 miles since the first of the year. I walk 2 miles every day at lunch and then hit the treadmill most every evening. Usually work on the treadmill for at least an hour to a hour and a half. Start off walking at 6%, then 12% and finally 15% grade. Work may way back down, that usually takes a half an hour and then I start running at a 4% grade and work my way down to 2% throwing in some sprints along the way. I do that for half an hour, usually run about 3 miles. The most I have ran is 4 miles. I have actually been entertaining the idea of running a 5 K.
The only ****** is I am fifty years old, why did I wait so freaking long to do this? The surgery is not a cure all, but it has allowed me to take control of my life. Maybe I am just old enough or mature enough now to know this might be my last chance. What ever the case may be this is the best thing I have ever done for my health and for me and this has translated to my family as well. I am no longer the bump on the log I used to be. I want and can do things with my wife and grandchildren.
It's not all roses, but my problems seem to be self inflicted. I either eat to fast or don't chew well enough. Get the feeling someone is twisting my guts. I do a lot better after one of those episodes.
When it is all said and done, life is good.
pan head