Actor Ron Lester On Today Show - 300+ Lbs. Lighter!

on 2/17/08 11:23 pm, edited 2/17/08 11:34 pm - Garland, TX
Don't know how many of you are familiar with Ron, who has played in a few movies ("Varsity Blues", most notably), T.V. roles, and done stand up over the past several years ..  I kinda liken him to a younger (he's in his late 30s), "country" version of John Goodman (he's a Georgia native) ..   Ron was featured in a segment on the Today show this a.m., along with his wife and gastric bypass surgeon (didn't catch the surgeon's name, unfortunately).  Ron used to weigh over 500 lbs. and decided to undergo WLS (RNY, sounds like) and has since lost 346 lbs..  He looked great on the show.  He said that although he felt good at the time, his famliy doctor told him that his organs were under such strain from his weight that he would be dead within 5 years if he didn't do something.  He had seen Carnie Wilson go through her bypass, and decided to try it himself.   During the interview, they had a nearby table stacked with all the food Ron would typically eat for a breakfast, when he was pre-op.  It was an incredibly huge amount of fast food and other junk.  I thought it interesting his wife mentioned at the end of the interview how Ron still sees himself as 500 lbs. but she sees the "real him".   The surgeon mentioned that over 12 million Americans are candidates for WLS.      strange thing:  Wikepedia reports how Ron actually underwent the surgery in 2001, and had a dozen or so follow-up plastic surgeries.  If that is correct, not sure why Today decided to do the segment about his surgery just today (?)
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
on 2/18/08 3:31 am
I've personally never heard of him before, but I'm sorry I didn't catch this.  I sometimes watch Today, but didn't catch it this morning. Perhaps he's on a publicity tour or has a book or a new role or something he's promoting.  At any rate, anytime someone can give good publicity for WLS, I think it's a good thing. I was sort of secretive at first about my surgery two months ago.  But, that wore off fast.  I now consider it almost a "duty" to spread the word about my experiences.  Why should this topic be "in the closet" any more?  It seems to me it's becomin a pretty routine surgery, like having your gallbladder out. There are WAY too many fat Americans.  While WLS may not be the final answer, (who knows, someday they may just have a pill for this), it sure goes a long way towards helping solve the problem. I've had some issues in the last couple of months, some nausea and stuff which, come to find out, was easily cured with a $12 box of Prilosec OTC.  Just had to run it by the Dr a couple of times before he suggested I go back on an acid blocker.  It was almost an instant cure for my stomach woes, and I'm  feeling SO much better. BUT, I'VE NOT REGRETED MY DECISION TO HAVE WLS ONE MINUTE.  It was especially fun to get the big, final statement from the hospital where it said "Insurance Payment Applied, $26, 756.42" and "Patient Balance Due $0.00"  Say what you want about health insurance in this country, I know it's been a hassle for many wanting WLS, but BCBS of Michigan "has been very, very good to me," to quote Garret Morris from SNL many years ago.  "I'm out there, and I'm LUVIN' every minute of it."  Cosmo Kramer.
Robert L.
on 2/18/08 4:12 am - Ann Arbor area, MI
I have no****ched it yet, I will when I get home but here is the link. Rob
Knotty Druid
on 2/18/08 5:12 am - MA
I hope he didn't drop the C- Word. You know the one.... CHOCOLATE
Beam me up Scottie
on 2/18/08 8:01 am
He actually had the DS ( i could be completely wrong, but i remember reading that on his own web page a couple of years ago).  He didn't want to be the poster boy for he didn't really take interviews on that topic....apparently he must be doing interviews to boost his career because he mentioned a couple of years ago that losing all that weight lost him work.  He was type cast as the fat comic relief guy...and now he's no longer that person. Scott
on 2/18/08 10:53 am - Garland, TX
Yeah .. that's a sad point, Scott ..  I remember when they interviewed John Candy one time and it came out that he was afraid that if he ever lost weight that his career would go down the tubes b/c of his always being cast as the "fat comic" ...   &:-(...   One can only wonder if he had opted to have WLS at some point whether it would have saved his life and allowed him to live much longer ...   
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
on 2/18/08 12:03 pm, edited 2/18/08 12:04 pm - Garland, TX
Scott, from the news article online, I was able to find out his surgeon, and it looks like Dr. Morton of Stanford (CA) Bariatrics ..  From his OH profile, it looks like Dr. Morton does not do the DS.    What you might be thinking of is the fact that after Lester's WLS, he recommended WLS to a friend of his who is (was?) a morning D.J. at Power 106 in L.A. .  That D.J. (Alexander) then went on to have DS with Dr. Dennis Smith.  I posted an excerpt from an article about that "recommendation" on the DS forum just now.
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
Dx E
on 2/18/08 8:22 am - Northern, MS
He was the cover story of an OH Magazine back in 05- And then he had gone through all of his surgeries.... There was much discussion here because he had a "Testicle Lift" as part of his PS work. Yes. Swear it.  A testicle lift.  And in a surgical way, Not just some hand cupping...... :-) Perhaps he has a film coming up? Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 2/18/08 10:50 am - Garland, TX
Something major must be going on his life of late, whatever it is ..  Someone pointed out on the main forum that he (and his surgery) were also featured in People magazine last week!  (I missed that)
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
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