Roller Coaster
Well, the next milestone is in view. I have a consult with my Kaiser surgeon March 3. I am not sure what the Kaiser program is but I think this will be where he/she says what my target weight should be for surgery and what other tests will be required of me. If anyone out there can offer up what they may order please feel free to pipe in.
From my ticker you can see I am down about 10 pounds from my "official" starting weight. I plan on a slow and steady loss to avoid a long stretch before a surgery date. I totally know how to drop a quick 30 pounds in 30 days, but it would suck to have to maintain that for a few weeks until surgery.
Thanks for everyone here and their great advice and motivational posts. I love to hear the newest FARTS and it makes me keep my eye on the prize. I can't wait for my turn to put up my "Guess what pant size I'm wearing now!" post.
Thanks and good luck to all of you.
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
Thanks for sharing your info. As get the whole picture myself I will fill you guys in.