Will work for food...

No change here in productivity since the surgery.
(but then again I’ve always kept more jobs going than a family of Jamaicans)
I steadily "clock" about 100 hours of work a week
And the "mid-night oil" is my fuel of choice.
But, I do Fun work that would be a hobby for free
Even if they didn't pay me to do it.
I tend to do my most creative design work
Between 11:00pm and 3:00 am,
Even when I know I have to be in the next morning by 8:00am.
The big change since losing the other half of my self
Is the ease of travel and comfort of everyday life.
That, and "drive-by" posting on the Boards while checking e-mails….
Keep it Up!
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
My job is different. I'm not monitored closely for results. I can go weeks without someone asking me to do something or checking to see if I have done something. I teach my classes, write my papers, do my presentations, go to meetings and that's work. It's not like the more I put out the more results I see or the more recognition I get. It's very hard to be compulsive about it. There is a gym 2 minutes away from my office and one in my garage/ basement at home and a track 5 minutes from home and lots of snow to shovel. I can get really addicted to all of that.
Best Wishes,

Hey Baja,
The Japanese women really are sweet. My wife and I have been married around 12 years, also no children. I feel very fortunate. Sounds like we have a lot of fortunate guys here (or guys who make a lot of effort). The phrases I was hearing when I was back in the states the most were:
1. "She stays pissed off most of the time."
2. "She commands, I jump."
So, a lot of lucky fellows here.
Best Wishes,
i have no problem working like a dog. when we're busy we work 7 days a week. i don't care because i enjoy it and i also enjoy our companies rep because of it. only hard work will get you the rep. period. so that's my goal. sounds like you're in the same boat......carbonblob