Will work for food...

(deactivated member)
on 2/16/08 10:32 pm - uranus, CA
RNY on 09/19/06 with
Or should I say, "Will work instead of eating food"? OK... I'll admit it: I am a little obsessive / compulsive.  I just get "an itch that needs to be scratched", and I can no longer satisfy those cravings by stuffing my face.  I'd rather not booze it up or gamble... and I am too old to do drugs.  So now I guess I am a work-a-holic!!??  Part of the deal is that now I am very motivated and energized.  I have finally reached the point in life where I am at the top of my game.... and am getting the recognition and respect from my peers that I have worked all these years to achieve.  Although I still have a ways to go before retirement (at least 13 years) I feel that I want to "leave my mark", and provide a secure financial future for my wife and I to enjoy in our "golden years" in the process. I have been volunteering myself for more and more responsibility.  I am working on a billion dollar project... and represent my design and my company at client meetings around the country.  I've not "bitten off more than I can chew" (at least not yet!) and have managed to handle my work load so far. I would have never been allowed to sit at the "big boy's" table when I was overweight. Anyhooo.... what I am worried about is if I will eventually crash from the load    I am working up to 80 hours of OT a month, although a lot of that is spent sitting in airports and planes.  I came wide awake at 3:00 this morning and went in to the office (I want time this afternoon to spend with my wife).... and I will do the same tomorrow, while the rest of the company has the holiday off.  It's not just working for working's sake.... volunteering for more responsibility has put me on a tight deadline schedule - **** has to get onto the plans by the end of the month.  It's not all work and no play either... we have a cruise planned in April and other long weekends on the books as well. Anyone else burning the midnight oil?
on 2/16/08 11:49 pm - Meridianville, AL
Well Baja, since I'm pre-op I barely have enough energy to burn the mid-day oil. But when I do get that kind of energy I hope if I'm burning the midnight oil it's participating in "indoor bedroom olympics"!!  BwaHahahaha!!! Seriously, 80 hours OT - that's an awful lot. Just be careful that you don't run yourself into the ground and get your immune system down.
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
(deactivated member)
on 2/17/08 10:55 pm - uranus, CA
RNY on 09/19/06 with
Bama - you are going to be a Super Stud!    You are gonna have to beat the ***** off with a stick   Just make sure you "wrap that rascle".... speaking of  "immune systems".  Some of the poontang out there is "less than fresh" 
Dx E
on 2/17/08 12:05 am - Northern, MS

Baja, No change here in productivity since the surgery. (but then again I’ve always kept more jobs going than a family of Jamaicans) I steadily "clock" about 100 hours of work a week And the "mid-night oil" is my fuel of choice. But, I do Fun work that would be a hobby for free Even if they didn't pay me to do it. I tend to do my most creative design work Between 11:00pm and 3:00 am, Even when I know I have to be in the next morning by 8:00am. The big change since losing the other half of my self Is the ease of travel and comfort of everyday life. That, and "drive-by" posting on the Boards while checking e-mails…. Keep it Up! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/17/08 9:28 am - Japan

My job is different. I'm not monitored closely for results. I can go weeks without someone asking me to  do something or checking to see if I have done something. I teach my classes, write my papers, do my presentations, go to meetings and that's work. It's not like the more I put out the more results I see or the more recognition I get. It's very hard to be compulsive about it. There is a gym 2 minutes away from my office and one in my garage/ basement at home and a track 5 minutes from home and lots of snow to  shovel. I can get really addicted to all of that.

Best Wishes,



(deactivated member)
on 2/17/08 10:59 pm, edited 2/17/08 11:01 pm - uranus, CA
RNY on 09/19/06 with
DX - You Sir, are a human dynamo.  Financial reward is one thing, but busting your ass for the almighty dollar is yet another....  It sounds like to have the best of both worlds - doesn't that just make you have to suppress a giggle, sometimes?
(deactivated member)
on 2/17/08 11:00 pm, edited 2/17/08 11:01 pm - uranus, CA
RNY on 09/19/06 with
Dave - not having the "man" breathing down your neck is a great relief, isn't it?  It sounds like you don't need to get obsessive about it... your work product speaks for itself. Plus you get to work with hot, young, Asian broads    I'm jealous!  We really got some manly broads here in the engineering field 
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/18/08 5:00 am - Japan

Hey Baja,

The Japanese women really are sweet. My wife and I have been married around 12 years, also no children. I feel very fortunate. Sounds like we have a lot of fortunate guys here (or guys who make a lot of effort). The phrases I was hearing when I was back in the states the most were:

1. "She stays pissed off most of the time."

2. "She commands, I jump."

So, a lot of lucky fellows here.

Best Wishes,



on 2/17/08 2:39 am - los angeles, CA
yes and no baja. i burn it when there's work. being self employed you take it as it comes and never say no. at point in my life by biz and my g/f's biz kept us so busy i hadn't a two week back to back vacation in 25 years! we bought a boat and went to catalina for our 3 day vacations instead. that was cool though. i guess it depends on your situation. we have no kids just dogs. yep, kids to us! so our life revolves around them. that's our only concern on time. so if you guys are happy working those hours, then go for it. who cares? like you said, the payoff is early retirement maybe or at least security.

i have no problem working like a dog. when we're busy we work 7 days a week. i don't care because i enjoy it and i also enjoy our companies rep because of it. only hard work will get you the rep. period. so that's my goal. sounds like you're in the same boat......carbonblob
(deactivated member)
on 2/17/08 11:08 pm - uranus, CA
RNY on 09/19/06 with
Carbon!  I can relate.... I was a self-employed plumbing contractor for many moons.  And as a one-man show, most of the time, I would never turn work down. A boat ??!!  Need help with some Catalina gas money    Just kidding... well, sort of !
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