Mikos first FART
Stepped on the scale today and I am under 300lbs, weighing in at 298lbs 2 months after surgery. I had to do it a couple times just to make sure. I knew it would happen eventually but to actually see it blows me away. 92lbs down from my biggest of 390lbs and down 60lbs since my surgery weight of 358lbs.
That's awesome news, but you are really stinking up the place.
I know that the 300 pound mark was a big deal for me too. I'm just barely under it, and I keep expecting to step on the scale and see that damned 3 again.
Best wishes, and keep up the good work.
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
Keep it Up!
Best Wishes-

Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable