Guys let me know what you think please
Sorry to sound so concerned but i still have no BM and its going on 7 days, i have taken 2 doses of milk of mag and 1 dose of benefiber as directed by Dr Pohl but nothing comes out??? Is it possible that i may be empty in there because the last BM was on the morning of surgery and my last solid meal was 2 days before that since then its been nothing but liquids. But i was under the assumption that the shakes come out that way but i have no shortage on liquids coming out the other way. If I dont go tomorrow i am going to call the office back because this concerns me, i have no pain and i dont feel like i need to go. Oher than that everything else is normal and doing great with recovery. Thanks
(deactivated member)
on 2/12/08 12:11 pm - Houston, TX
on 2/12/08 12:11 pm - Houston, TX
Well Uncle...
I think it's about time to take some serious action....7 days is too long...
(the job of the large intestine is to absorb water ...the longer stuff stays in there, the harder it gets....)
you may wanna try a fleets enema....unpleasent as that beat having a old nurse dig her fingers up you arse and pull it out....
are you still taking pain meds...that causes constipation....
good luck
Another RNYer friend of mine had severe problems with constipation early out. I thinks he increased her fat intake and things started coming out more smoothly. I'd definitely go see your doc and talk in detail with him about your shakes and food intake. Ask him about fat too. I'm pre-op so take this all with a grain of whey protein.