Let's see -- issue # 1 -- your dreams about the surgery. NORMAL pre-surgical anxiety, just being expressed by your subconcious during the night. Absolutely nothing to worry about. # 2 -- catheters. Also absolutely nothing to worry about. They did me three times total, once during the surgery. Took it out the next day on schedule. Couldn't empty my bladder on my own, so they did me 2 more times, once with a "straight" catheter which only stayed in the two minutes it took to drain the bladder. Second time was with a foley again, hooked to a bag. They left that one in for about 12 hours, then took it out, after which I was able, finally, to go on my own. I would say that the catheter, going out or in, is more of a strange sensation than actual pain, it's wierd, but nothing you won't be able to handle, certainly not nearly as bad as a bad headache or a toothache, and it's over and done with fast, especially if you are in the normal majority of guys where the original one inserted during surgery is the only one you'll have. And, as far as any embarrasment goes, the nurses are professionals who have seen EVERYTHING, literally, thousands of times already, and give it about as much interest as you might some mundane aspect of your job. Don't sweat either of these issues.