on 2/12/08 10:14 am - Meridianville, AL
Alright, I may be opening myself up for some cr*p here, but did any of you guys have weird dreams about your surgery beforehand? I had a dream that I had be fed through a tube in my stomach because I couldn't eat ANY food.   Another was that I had some complications and couldn't do anything ever again.  What the heck is that about?  Is this fairly common? Anyone else have similar experiences or am I just going nuts? I know one thing for sure - I AM having the surgery no matter what. I'm looking forward to regaining my life. That's why I can't understand the goofy dreams the last couple of nights. (Oh, and by the way - the shrink gave me my clearance.)
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
on 2/12/08 10:29 am - Redding, CA
I've not had wierd dreams or anything about surgery as of yet.... well, not really.  I've had some difficulty with the catheter idea.  I've never actually had one myself, so I'm not real sure what to expect and it doesn't sound pleasant (the removal, i'm referring to).  I'm only hoping that I'm able to dose up one last time with pain meds before that's removed =) j/k.... sorta.
on 2/12/08 10:42 am - Meridianville, AL
Yeah, I try to put that out of my mind too. I've had 3 heart surgeries, 4 shoulder surgeries, appendectomy and surgery on a shattered finger and never had a catheter.  But, for some reason, they say I will need one for this.  The guys here say they put it in while you are under and it's not THAT bad when they remove it a day or two later.  Well . . . that's what they SAY.  Guess we'll find out. 
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
on 2/12/08 11:12 am

Let's see -- issue # 1 -- your dreams about the surgery.  NORMAL pre-surgical anxiety, just being expressed by your subconcious during the night.  Absolutely nothing to worry about. # 2 -- catheters.  Also absolutely nothing to worry about.  They did me three times total, once during the surgery.  Took it out the next day on schedule.  Couldn't empty my bladder on my own, so they did me 2 more times, once with a "straight" catheter which only stayed in the two minutes it took to drain the bladder.  Second time was with a foley again, hooked to a bag.  They left that one in for about 12 hours, then took it out, after which I was able, finally, to go on my own.   I would say that the catheter, going out or in, is more of a strange sensation than actual pain, it's wierd, but nothing you won't be able to handle, certainly not nearly as bad as a bad headache or a toothache, and it's over and done with fast, especially if you are in the normal majority of guys where the original one inserted during surgery is the only one you'll have.  And, as far as any embarrasment goes, the nurses are professionals who have seen EVERYTHING, literally, thousands of times already, and give it about as much interest as you might some mundane aspect of your job.   Don't sweat either of these issues.

on 2/12/08 11:10 am - Redding, CA
If that damn catheter is the only thing that is standing in the way...  i'll take it. Everything is falling into place for me with this.  I'm doing awesome on my pre-op diet (been doing it for 3 weeks now) and down about 20-25lbs now.  I'll get a more definite number tomorrow.  Having double coverage with insurance is just making me smile.  I thought enough in advance to have both coverages and they're both paying.  I mean the only thing that's requested of me (so far) is that I pay the remainder of my deductible (~$200 now).  Can you really ***** about that? I'm just pretty stoked right now.  I'm nervous and all that, but thinking to my future and what lies ahead for me...  wow.. just exciting.   Hell, I might even get my very own personalized place on the losers bench and in the century club.   What else can a guy ask for? Oh.. some nice FARTS along the way and with some hard work.. maybe sport a nice muscular build?  WOOT...  I should change my name to WOOT.  
on 2/12/08 11:31 am - Redding, CA
Thanks TooFatDan.  That actually helps =) I'm sure I've been through worse with the damn boils and boil removals (part of the present that diabetes gave me)
on 2/12/08 1:09 pm
I know a male nurse who has to catheterize himself about 4 times a day!!  I have nothing but respect for the man.  I had a dream a few months ago (over a year out).  I was watching a Mexican WLS assembly line at work.  The patient would pour the orange/red iodine solution over their stomach and the doctor would start cutting without having the patient being put out at all.  Maybe it is a dream of the future for WLS...Brian 
Tony the tiger
on 2/12/08 1:52 pm
I had a dream that all the nurses were hot and would fight over who got to give me a sponge bath.................well maybe that was my fantasty.  Either way I'll take that over your dream.
on 2/12/08 8:17 pm - Chantilly, VA
You're not crazy, ... but I wouldn't ask the shrink for a second opinion.
Charlie B.
on 2/15/08 5:45 am - Noblesville, IN
As fopr the dream, fugetaboutit! As for the catheter, pray for an ugly nurse (otherwise the tube might have a lot further to travel)   Neither is anything to worry about. CB


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