The memory fades
Boner is right, all the bad stuff starts to fade and gets replaced with all the great things. At 20 months out I do take a lot for granted these days. I keep a picture of old fat boy Tim on my desk so I never forget what a huge guys I use to be. I also have the last pair of my fat guy pants at home and I take them out every once and a while to try on. It blows my mind just to try them on now. I work hard to remember what I use to be like at 460lbs and part of doing that is coming to the locker room to talk to the new guys just starting out and also being active in the WLS groups here around Raleigh. When I read the tales of others it reminds me how far I have come. I also make a point of going back to Duke every couple of months to meet and talk to folks at their weekly WLS infomational seminars who are looking into surgery. I think the real trick to being successful long term is changing your lifestyle as well as your eating habits on the way down and work hard to maintain those changes long term. For me it was sitting on my ass stuffing my face all the time that got me to 460lbs. So now I don’t stuff my face AND I don’t sit around on my butt anymore. The more I keep moving the easier it is to keep moving (makes sense to me??). Folks tell me that I go at 100 mph all the time these days and are amazed at what I can get accomplished. I did not realize what I was really missing at 460lbs till I got back to 220lbs. As I have expanded my hiking efforts over the past few months I have been pushing the envelope in regards to time, distance, and speed. I had some folks at a hike recently tell me that they were not sure it they should sign up for my 11 mile hike since I was a reputation in my club (500+ hikers) as the fasted hiker. That just blows my mind considering I could barely walk 200ft a few years ago. I do look at things a lot differently now, a 10 mile hike is a challenge but not really very hard for me now. I am looking at doing a 20 mile hike next month. I do remember what it was like to wipe my butt, tie my shoes, hell who could even cross their legs back in the day. Remember finding a place to prop your foot on so you could grunt and groan to bend over to reach it. Seems like a long time ago as I just bend over at my waist and tie my shoes now without even thinking about it. When I see obese folks out in public I do try and make a point of looking them in the eye and smiling at them. I had women at a WLS support meeting tell me that I made her day because of that simple gesture since most folks treat obese people like they have the plague. If we forget where we came from then we are doomed to repeat (my 2 cents). Regards, Tim
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!