The memory fades
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
Boner - I definitly understand what you're talking about. Suddenly, you find yourself taking for granted stuff that you weren't able to do before. At 652 lbs, for me, that is just getting out the house because of a want to thing, instead of going to the Doctor's office. Or being able to wipe after using the bathroom. Being able to put on socks. Going to Walmart and buying underwear that is almost a size too big because you still see yourself as that fat guy. But - so far I've been able to keep a clear picture as to how things were. Going through stuff, finding things that have been here since before the surgeries and realizing that I don't have to hold onto it anymore - or finding an old pair of sweatpants that, if I felt so inclined, I could cut apart and reform into a tent for four. Then - something seemingly miraculus will happen. My wife and I will walk down Main Street in Huntington Beach - and actually make it all the way down the Huntington Beach Pier and back, while wandering in and out of the little shops along the way. Or we'll go out to the Bolsa Chica Estuary and walk most of the way around it, and realizing I could probably finish it later. (It's a mile and a half loop, but considering she just had her surgery on the 23rd of Jan - including a hernia repair - making ti that far was really cool) I'm doing my absolute best not to take anything for granted anymore. Life is just too short and amazing a thing to just get lax about taking care of myself. Yeah, I'm not 100% perfect. Who is? I just do the best I can. I've lost about 370lbs so far, and if 280 is where I'm at the rest of my life, I'm good with that. Compared to 652 - that's pretty great. But - I do know more is going to come off. Both as I get more and more active, and with skin removal surgeries and my own hernia repair - more will come off. I don't have a goal in mind, other than to simply get as healthy as I can, and stay that way. If that's at 280, great. If that's down around 220 - that'd be even better. But - the fact of the matter is, I've already reached my goal of being healthy. Only meds I'm left on are thyroid, a water pill for my lymphedema, and a blood pressure medicine I don't have to even take daily anymore, just if my pressure goes up a little. (Right now it's in the 120-130 / 70-90 depending on the day) So - in a lot of ways, I've already met my goal. I'll achieve it all the way when I get through these reconstructive surgeries - then I'll feel it 100% - but I'm already so much better off - there just ain't no going back.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.