Restricted (less)- Opinions??
Big Guy,
I could have written that post almost ver batim 2 months ago. When I was where you are at now I sat down in front of a bowl of grits mixed with scrambled eggs one morning. I was planning on eating about half and saving the rest for later. Somehow or another I ended up eating the whole bowl. The equivalent volume of a large orange probably. I kept asking myself, "Just how damned big of a pouch did this doctor leave me? I spent $25,000 just so I would have to continue closely monitoring my intake? Bull****!" I know now that those grits and eggs were slipping through almost as fast as I was eating them. Yesterday I had a small whole grain tortilla with about 2 oz of thinly sliced sirloin, a half oz of shreded cheddar, a little lettuce and some fat free ranch. It looked pathetically small sitting on my plate, but by the time I finished it, a little voice was telling me not to go any further. I don't really feel anything down there yet, but there's something at the bottom of my esophogas communicating with my brain that's never been there before. I'll bet you're doing fine. No worries. Just keep bringing it.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
I thought the same way. I am four weeks out and have progressed to soft foods. For me it is all about food density. Liquid goes right through, real soft stuff (tuna, chicken salad) sit a little longer, but when you eat something with density it will sit heavy. I try to eat no more than 3 to 4 oz at which time I might could eat more but I ask my self are you really still hungry, the answer is always no.