Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone. Time to rise and shine. It's going to be a wonderful day!
Our challenge today is to be honest. Be honest to yourself. How? By being truthful. Be honest with what you eat, how you treat yourself, how you think about yourself. If you are honest to you, you will be honest with others. How DO you treat yourself? Do you eat right? Do you treat YOU right? If you don't, no one else will. Everything we want in life, starts with US. By being honest at home (with you) then other things and other people will treat you right. Be honest with YOU today. I dare you. Look in the mirror and think about how YOU treat YOU.
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm loving some Maxwell House regular blend this morning. It sure is good too. How bout you? What are you enjoying?
Ya'll have a wonderful and HONEST WITH YOU day!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Ironic that you mention this. I was on the way into work today drinking my coffee and eating my turkey ham & egg wrap while I was thinking about 'loving myself'. For years I've been so critical of myself. Today, I'm less critical and I feel like I could do almost anything. I'm proud of the achievements I've made. Fueling my body for success has become a desire. I had never thought about it as being honest with myself but it's true. When I account for things I put in my body and make it known to 'myself' then I feel better, have more success and my overall attitude is positive. It in turn makes people around me positive and they treat me better. :) Maybe I'm growing up... I am only 28 afterall. Either way I think it's a step in the right direction. :)
As for my coffee, I drink Starbucks Gold Coast Blend (extra bold) every morning. About 4 cups worth with non-dairy creamer and equal.