Clothing and new WLS patients...Be warned!!
This just happened on the California Board, so I thought I would remind new guys who just had or will soon be getting WLS. I shared this a few months ago but it is a good reminder. Men drop the weight very fast. Much faster that women. It doesn't matter which surgery you get, we have a bigger muscle structure and can move more. This allows us to burn more calories and loose the weight quickly. Be will go through most of your clothing very quickly. If you are on a bit of a budget look to the Salvation Army or Goodwill Stores in the area for your clothes. I went out and bought $200. worth of clothing thinking I was done losing. I bought some nice 44" pants and extra large shirts (both were tight on me). Within 10-14 days they were to big!! It can happen that fast. What I am saying is just don't go hog wild on the clothing thing. When you have time try and go way back into the closet and see what's there. Ask friends and family for some old clothes too, just to borrow for a week or two. My two cents. You have been warned...Brian
I hope that is the least of my problems. That would be a welcomed scenario. I would much rather pay that at some local store instead of having to go through Big and Tall and pay what I used to pay for things. I have quit buying close at this point because of exactly what you have said. Fortunately, I have a medical job that allows me to wear scrubs ( basically lounging clothes is what I call them - very comfortable for lounging and working ). Anyways, great point. My wife has been saying that we are going to be spending money this year on new clothes for me. I am a little excited to say the least - I just won't buy too much at one time. Taz
Being the eternal optimist, I've always felt like I would eventually diet my way back in to my smaller clothes, so I have a closet full of clothes that I've kept for every weight I've been in the last twenty five years. I've got pants from 38 up to 52. I just boxed up my 54's and 56's yesterday to take to Salvation Army. I've got shirts from 2XLT or 17.5 x 36 all the way up to 4XLT or 21 x 37's. I mailed off all my 5XLT and 22 x 37's a couple of weeks ago to a fellow here on the boards. So if I don't mind looking like 1986, and I don't, I'll not need to buy much. People are gonna wonder where I got some Sedgefields though. I did have my eyes on some size 44 undies in WalMart the other day though.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
Jfish...I went way back in my closet. I brought out my bellbottoms...Can you dig it!! I tried on some late 70's overalls. I was looking for the Three Dog Night, Grand Funk Railroad, Cosby Stills Nash look. I ended up looking like a backwoods hillbilly...I think I will try for the concerned and caring CEO type of look now...Brian
From other posts here, I realized that I too after WLS had turned into a "clothes *****" and have stepped my way from 5x to M over the past 71 weeks, with all the "last" sizes going to our local Salvation Army clothing stores as donations. Lotsa lotsa items...too...just LOVE clothes now after wearing blue or black elastic waist pants for a decade or two!
LLBean loves me and I suspect not just me either!
PS -- I now see the forum censor at work -- I wrote (pardon the spacing) "clothes lady of the evening" and the censor asterisked it out... :-)))

Thanks for the warning and the reminder. I'm still pre-op but losing the first 40 pounds I already had to cut out most of my wardrobe. Luckily I have a lot of clothes from my weight ups and downs.
I do get tempted to buy new stuff when I go to the mall with the family only because I'm amazed that stuff actually fits me now. I keep telling myself that I have to wait cause it will all be too big in a few months.
I do get tempted to buy new stuff when I go to the mall with the family only because I'm amazed that stuff actually fits me now. I keep telling myself that I have to wait cause it will all be too big in a few months.