Saggy Sack

I used to work at a construction site in LA. The cheap-ass buildier rented way too few Porta-Potties for way too many workers. He also seemed to have opted for the "ecomomy" pumping schedule. The guys would have to shim the toilet seat higher and higher with 2 x 4's as the ****ter filled, so as to put some space between their junk and the ever-rising cesspole.
I got to work early one morning and left a little "calling card" on the steps of his job trailer. The number of pottys and the pumping sessions increased that afternoon
Nothing gets their attention like a smokin' turd
I'm always looking out for the workin' man

or were you in Clarinda, Iowa back in the late 70's Baja? We had someone in our small town taking dumps in the post office entryway during the middle of the night. We also named the culprit, the "Phantom Sh#itter." Went on for a couple of months and had our Barney Fife cops totally baffled. Never did catch him/her. Boner