Monday Coffee Talk
Good Monday morning everyone! Today is going to be a wonderful day. How do I know. Because I believe! I have faith! I know it will be great!
Our challenge today is to enlarge your borders. What do I mean. Stop limiting yourselves. Go past the ordinary. If you would only go this far, go another mile. Open up and expand yourself. Allow yourself to grow! We limit ourselves. We tie our own hands. We are able to grow and go farther than where we are. Do you want to settle for where you are or do you want to grow? I want to grow. I want to expand my borders. Don't tie yourself up. We were bound for so long. It's time to untie yourselves and allow yourself room to grow. You are a NEW person since WLS and while we were overweight, we were bound by baggage. That baggage is gone (or about to be gone)! SO EXPAND AND GROW as a person! I have faith in you that you can do this!
I won't ask who is up at this hour. LOL It's 2:55 a.m. I can't sleep. I have a spinal epidural in a little bit and I guess i'm aprehensive. It's not the first, but I just don't like that needle going in my back. LOL I'm enjoying some awesome Maxwell House regular blend this morning and it sure is good. What are you enjoying this morning?
I have no doubt that today will be a good day for you. Keep smiling and keep on GROWING! Expand your borders!