Facial Hair Survey
so .. do "chicks dig" facial hair (e.g. mustaches, beards, goatees) these days, or are they "out"?
I've noticed a lot of post-ops seem to have added facial hair to their "new look" on here .
Did you have facial hair as a pre-op, and do you now as a post-op or @ goal, and if so, what type and why the change, if applicable?
Personally, although my (hot F) medical concierge insisted I looked so much better in Brazil clean-shaven (she took me to a barbershop for a make-over before coming back to the U.S.), I'm getting tired of the "Tom Hanks Jr." baby-faced look .. &:-/)
fyi - I have posted this issue on the main forum as well, to see what the ladies think about facial hair these days .. (on us, not them, btw &:-D) )

I had a goatee for a LONG time,many years. SInce surgery this past May, I have not grown it back.
I always thought of the goatee as a blocker for my fat face. My face isnt fat anymore, so I figure I will change that as well, and havent had one since.
My wife does like the beard, but I dont, so no hair for me. Thats just me though.
I have had my face hair since I was 16. I went through the army with it (trimmed back though) and every day since then and I am now 51. I don't know what I would look like with a buck neked face and I don't want to find out either. My wife of 27 years doesn't mind and she is the only other person I need to keep happy.
Get it hot, hit it HARD,
Hammering away the pounds!
Hammering away the pounds!
I first grew a 'stache in about 1967 or '68 to look older (those were the days!) In about 1971 I added a goatee, in 1972 a full beard which I kept until last spring. I kep the beard through thin and thicker, thickest, first to disguise my baby face, then to distract from my chins and always to avoid the hassle of shaving every day. But I had begun to grow bored with the same look a year or so prior to surgery but was afraid to shave--hadn't seen my *****s) in over 3 decades and 100+ lbs. But . . .
My beard began to thin out on one side, making it goofy looking plus significant weight loss made we want a new look, etc. So I reversed the process and when from full beard to goatee back to today's stylish, hot 'stache! The only downside to my beardless mode is that my wattles waft in the wind!
The upside is that if I talk fast enough, my chins applaud!
As for what "chicks" find hot, I don't know, being the Most Married Man Alive, but I suspect that there are chicks who go for all possible configurations of facial hair, so be bold and do what pleases you.

If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
I grew a Fu Manchu style mustache a couple of summers back and was convinced I looked like a bad ass with it. I had to get my DL renewed and when it came in the mail a couple of weeks later, I took one look at it and decided I looked like a retard instead. It was all brown except the bottom half inch of the right branch which was white. Which I knew prior to taking the picture, but I never realized that from a distance of more than 20 feet or so the white part kind of disappeared into my skin and I looked like I had an extremely lopsided Fu Manchu. Haven't grown any facial hair since.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
I've had my goutee for about 10 years now. Don't plan on removing it unless some doctor does it while I'm not awake
Per my SO, mustaches by themselves are '"creepy" and when a guy has nothing but that little patch of hair under his bottom lip it's "gross".
So that's all the info I can give. It's probably personal choice... just like most things now days.