Donating blood and WLS
I'm just curious if this is unique to me.
Life is great, Rick
Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!

As a young adult I used to give blood regularly. Then I had surgery 14 years ago and they put some cadaver tissue in my head and nobody wants my blood anymore. Go figure. Joe
My surgeon told me to wait 18 months before I started back giving blood, I have to wait till June. My father always did and that is why I started. From what I am told now when they take it for blood tests mine are easy to hit. With all the cardio I have been doing they are much more visible than they were three or four months ago. When I get finished working out I see them popped out every where. Sounds like an excuse to me. It is great that you give blood. When I do it I feel good about doing some thing positive and it makes me think of my dad. My daughter even gives blood on occasion. Most of the time and it is just a "stick and a sting" and it is over in a few minutes. pan head