on 2/9/08 5:01 am - MO
Many many prayers have been said and are said for me and my family daily, thank you! As far as religion goes, I've always kinda hated it, the brand you choose - your biz, institutions are always problem riddled. But oh how nice it is to soak in that spirituality whether you do it while enjoying a walk, being with friends, talking with Elousia (God), building a house with that Jewish carpenter guy, or flying kites to see how the wind (Sarayu - Holy Spirit) blows, which is one of my favorite things to do. People always drive by the ranch and see me in the driveway flying kites with my hand in the air, my eyes closed, and almost dancing. But everything has flaws especially if it has been institutionalized like most 'religions.' The key is to focus not on 'your religion' but on love, love overcomes all things....eventually, even institutionalized taught people. In the hospital, just a statistic, you know. I have a beautiful life ahead of me with my three beautiful girls, or if I should die young, I'd have a beautiful death also.... I have to spiritually be on nowadays because I've been forbidden to attend worship, meetings, special functions of 'my' church and any other churches. I don't know why except maybe my presence upsets the balance of the 'interim' pastor, or maybe people see my good days and figure I can come back full time (not right now). I don't really understand how my presence would upset anything, because in actuality, all I want to do is to sit with Lori in the sanctuary and hold hands and worship like we've not been able to do in our marriage because I've always been in the forefront. But I do know this, the tempter will work on all levels of life, even within the church, through the highest ranking pastor, Bishop, Cardinal, Priest, yes, even the Pope.. My local church of course all want to see me, touch me, pray with me and celebrate with us - as do we with them - but because of unseen and perhaps unknown variables, I have been told not to worship. Funny huh? Not surprising, don't need a church building to worship - I worship everywhere. As you go through this life and try to get into touch with Elousia, the Carpenter, and Sarayu, know this at the same time another will be attempting to catch and draw your attention away. May your journey, like your WLS, be on the road less traveled but much much more fulfilling.... Peace and Joy, BobM.
on 2/9/08 12:14 pm - Houston, TX
Sounds like you've god the love part right. That can be done any where. But as for church, sounds like there's been a replacement of "community" with "politics", or at least, the interim minister is intimidated by your presence.
I don't know. I can't help but feel that a pastor should be able to fall ill, then attend church with his friends and family while recovering. Sounds like the congregation is in line with God, but not the leadership and organization.
Of course, I don't know what a typical meeting would be like. My impression of church is listening to sermons or talks silently. There are many churches where people shout out as part of the worship or give there own little mini-sermons. If that's the case, maybe your inspiration intimidates the interim pastors (??). Just a guess. I really don't have a clue as to what's going on.